A choice Bed of Spices. 347 believeth, feareth, loveth,obeyeth, &c. is bleffed, and fhall-- be happy for ever. But I am fuch a one that doth believe, fear, love, obey, &c. therefore I am bleffed, and fhall be happy for ever. Now although it mull be granted that the major of this Propofition is Scripture, yet the affumption is from experience, and therefore a godly man being alfifled therein by the holy Ghofl, may fafely draw the conclufion as undeliable. 0 that you would ferioufly confider, how lit- tle would be the difference (fhould you shut out this difcour- five way) betwixt a man and a beaft, if a man fhould assent to a thing unknown through an inflina and impreffion, and fhould to one who asks him a reafon of his perfwafion, be able to return no other anfwer but this ; I am perfwaded be caufe I am perfwaded. But, The feventh Propofition is this. That the Scripture giveth many figns and fymptoms of grace ; fo that if a man cannot find all, yet if he difcover fome, yea but one, he may fafely conclude, that all the reit are there ; he who hath but one in truth of the forementioned chara&ers in this book, bath fe- minally all ; he who hath one link of the golden chain, hath the whole chain. Look, as he who bath one grace in truth, bath every grace in truth, though he doth not fee every grace iihining in his foul ; fo he that hath in truth any one evidence I of grace in his foul, he hath virtually all. And, 0 that all weak, dark, doubting Chriflians, would ferioufly and fre- quently ponder upon this Propofition, for it may be a staff to uphold them, and a cordial to cpmfort them under all their fears and faintings. But, 7. The eighth Propofition is this. Without the light of the 8. holy CARA our graces thine not ; our graces are only the means-by which our condition is known to us ; the efficient R°04 caufe of this knowledge, is the Spirit illuftrating our graces and making them vifible, and fo helping us to conclude from them, i Car, 2. I 2, No se hoove received not the fpirit of the Y y 2 worlda_