5° grace and hob- nail rift and fall in their fouls. Cm. 4. 9. Th4 t. I 3, 4,5. The ;,.3,4, A Box of precious Ointment : Or, tefted and abhorred by all that love Chrift, or are looking towards heaven : But this I fay, a Chrifitian may make feveral ufes of his graces,he may tally look upon his graces as fo marry evidences of Chrift's dwelling in him, and he may look upon his graces as fo many heavenly bracelets,or as fo many loveto- kens from God in which he may lately rejoyce. The gracious evidences that I have laid down in this Treatife, are blefled fymptoms of falvation, and therefore to rejoyce in them, can be no tranfgreffion of any royally/ of heaven.He that can-ex- perimentally tubfcribe to any of the gracious evidences that are laid down in this Book, has fuch a fair .certifi, ate to thew. for heaven, that no wicked man or hypociite under heaven has the like to ihew ; and why fuch a man ihould ot rejoyce in fuch a certificate, I can't at preterit fee. I may and ought to rejoyce in the works of Creation : 0 o how mach more then ought I to rejoyce in the work of Renovation, in the work of fanClificatioa, which does fo infinitely tranfcend the work of Creation ? I may and ought to rejoyce in my natural life, health, ftrength, beauty; and why then lhould I not rejoyce in grace and halinefs, which is the life, health, ftrength and beauty of my foul ? Chrift delights in the gra ces of his people. Thon hft ravilhed my heart, (or thou haft behearted me, as the Hebrew runs) myfifier, my fpotafe ; thou haft ravijhed my heart with one of thine ept, (or with one glance of thine eyes, as tome read it) with one chain of thy neck. The eye of faith, fay tome; the eye of love, fay others.: The chain of obedience, fay tome ; the chain of fpiritual graces, fay others, ravifhed Chrift's heart ; the one eye of faith, the one chain otobedience,unhearted Chrift,vvounded Chrift; this one eye, this-one chain robbed Chrift of his heart, and laid the Spoufe in the room of it. Now, fhall Chrift's heart be ravithed with his childrens graces, and fhall not their he4rts be raVillied and delighted with thole very graces that. 1.:,.. Chrlit's own heart ? I may, yea I ought to rejoyce in the graces of others ; and why then not in my, own ? I may, yea I ought to rejoyce in others outward mercies, and in my own outward mercies. 0 I how much more then ought I to. rejoyce; in the faNing and diftinouilhina graces of the Spirit,