A choice Bed of Spices. 353 high, and precious, and honourable thoughts of God, of Chriff, of his word, and.of his wayes in your fouls. When Prat. 97. z. Chriff was withdrawn from his Spoufe, and when the watch- Canr.5,6,7. men that went about the City had fmote her and wounded her, and when the keepers of the walls had took away her vail from her, yet then fne keeps up in heart very high, pre- cious and honourable thoughts of Chriff, Ver. lo. My be- loved is white and rriddy,the chief eft'' among ten thoufand. Ver. t 6. His month rs molt freer, and he is altogether lovely ; or his mouth is fweetneiles, and he is altogether defirableneffes, or all of him is defires, or he is wholly deferable. Here The breaks off her praifes in a general Elogy, which no words can ex- prefs enough. Alas ! faith the Spoufe, I want words to ex- prefs how Tweet, how lovely, how comely, how deferable, hov eminent, and how excellent Chriff is in my eye, and to my foul ; he is the defire of all Nations (de jure) and all that Hag, 2.. . is perfe& in heaven or earth, is but a dim fhadow of his ex- cellency and glory. WhereChrift is there is heaven ; heaven it felf in the Spoufe's without Chriff, would be but `a low little thing. The Spoufe looks upon Chriff as the fpark- frlinc' Diamond in the ring of glory. So David when he was wally clouded and benighted, when all was dark within him, and dark about him, and dark over him, 'PP/. 73. Pre.- rily I have cleanfed my heart in vain, and walbed my bands in erellrt_1'77. innocency. Ver. 21. My heart was grieved, and I was pricked L-Lsaia' al. 3o..6 ,T in my reins. Ver. 22. I was as a beaft before thee ; or I was as a great beaft, or as many beaffs'in one, as the Hebrew word Behemoth imports. Ver.26. Myflefb and my heart faileth ' that is, my outward man and my inward man faileth me. And yet mark, at this very time, when the Pfalmift was thus overeat+, he keeps up in him very high, precious and honourable thoughts Of God, Ver. I. Trnly God is good to Mad, even to filch as are of a clean heart. Ver. 23. Neverthelefr, I am conti- naally with thee, than haft holden me by my right hand. Ver. 24, Th4halt gwide me with thy counfel, and afterward receive me to glory. Ver. 25. whom have I in heaven bast thee ? and there is none Ivan earth that I defire befides thee. Ver. 26. God la the I- lirength (or rock) of my heart,and my portion for ever. Ver.28. Z z It