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354 AffOx of precious Ointment : Or) It is good for me to draw near to God. So the Church in that, Micah 7. When God had hid his face from her. 'Ter-. 7. When the fate in darknefs. Ver. 8. When The was under the indignation of the Lord. Ver. 9. When the righteous man was perifhed, and there was none upright among men. Ver. 2. And when her enemies rejoyced, infulted and tri- umphed over her. Ver. 8. & ver.10. Yet now, even now, The keeps up in her foul very high, precious and honourable thoughts of the Lord. Ver. 7. My God will hear me. Ver. 8. 'hen I fall, /hall arife ; when I fit in darknefi, the Lod 'hall be a light unto me. Ver. 9, fie will bring me forth to the light, and (hall behold his righteoufnefs. I might give you twenty more inftances, but enough is as good as a feaft. Dear Chriflians, when your graces are not tranfparent, when your evidences for heaven are blotted, and when the face of God is cloud- ed, 0 then keep up in your hearts high,precious and honour- able thoughts of God and Chrift, and of his Word and wayes, &c.When your Sun of righteoufnefs is fet in a cloud, when great darknefs is upon your fpirits, when all Moon- light, and Star-light of your graces and gracious evidences fails you, yet then fay with David, Thou art holy, 0 thou that inhabiteft the praifis of Ifrael ; and with Ezra, Thou haft punifh- ed me lets than mine iniquities deferve ; and with Nehemiah, Howbeit, thou art jult in all that is brought upon la, for thou haft done right, but we have done wickedly; and with the Church, The Lord is righteous. In the darkeft night, and under your deepeft foul-diflreffes, fay, Well, if I perish, if I fhould mifcarry for ever,yet I will maintain and keep up in my heart high, and precious, and honourable thoughts of God and Chrift : Say, well, though my graces are obfcured, and my evidences for heaven are blurred and foyled, yet I fhall to my laft breath, fay the Lord is good, and his Word is good and his wayes are good ; yea, though he should flay me yet I will truft in him, and entertain noble and glorious thoughts of him. This is the way of wayes to have your graces clear- ed and ftrengthned,your evidences brightned, your comforts reflored and your affurance confirmed. But, Aas 27.1o. Kai. 21. 3. lEita 9.13. 31Tell. 9. 33. r. 18. al) 13. 5., The