Box of precious Ointment : Or, that is defolate,for the Lords fake. Nu m b.6. 24. The Lord make his face to thine upon you, and be gracious to you. Pfal. 67.1. God job mercif8Ita yam, and biej; you, and mire his face to Ihine upon you. Life is a very defirable thing, skin for skin, yea all that a man bath will he give for his life; and yet the loving kind- nefs of God is better than life, Pfal. 63. Thy loving kindnefs is better than life. The Hebrew word is Chajim, lives ; to note that the loving kindnefs of God is better than many lives, yea than all lives, and the revenues of life, put many` lives together, put all lives together ; and yet there is more excellency in the leaft difcovery of divine love than in them all. Many a man has been weary of his life, but who have e- ver been weary of divine love? Dear Christians, are your graces or gracious evidences fluning and fparkling ? 0 then folace your felves moftly in the free love and favourof God; for in his free favour lyes the life of your fouls, the life of your graces, the life of your comforts, yea in his free favour your all is bound up. If your graces or evidences are fo clouded and darkned, that you are in a ftormy day beat out of your out-works 0 now run to the free grace and favour of God, as to your Royal -Fort, as to your ftrong Tower, as to your City of Refuge, where you may be fafe and happy for ever. In fuck a day ponder mach upon thefe Scriptures, Hof. 14. 4. 1 will heal their back-fliding, .1 will love them freely. God's love is a free love, having no motive or foundation but within it felf ; all thelinks of the golden chain of faivation are made up of free-grace. The people of God are freely loved, Deut. 7. 6, 7, 8. and freely choral, johni5. 16, 19. Eph. t. 4. and freely accepted, Epb. I. 6. and freely adopt- ed, Eph. i. 5. Gal. 4.5, 6. and freely reconciled, 2 Cor. S. ig, 19) 20. and freely juftified, Rom. 3. 24. Being itsflified freely by his gracei and freely faved, Eph. 2.5, By grace ye are faved. Ver. S. For by grace are ye faved. Tit. 3. 5. Not by works of righteoraffiefs which we have done, but according to his mercy be laved km. Thus you fee, that all the golden rounds in jacob's Ladder that reaches from heaven to earth,are all made I up of free-grace. Free-grace is the foundation of all fpiri- 1 teal and eternal mercies ; free-grace is the folid bottom and foundation