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A choice Bed of Spices. 3S9 foundation of all a Chrifians comfort in this world. Were we to meafure -the love of God to us by our fruitfulnefs, ho- !inefs, humblenefs, fpiritualnefs, heavenly-mindednefs , or gracious carriages towards him, hoAr would our hope, our confidence every hour, yea every moment in every hour be flaggered,if not vanquifhed ? But all is of grace, of free= grace, that the promife might be Cure, and that our falvation might be fafe. 0 Sirs I it is-free-grace that will ftrengthen you in all your duties, and that will fweeten all your mercie;, and that will fupport you under all your changes,and that will arm you againft all temptations, & anfwer all objecaions,and take off all Satans accufations, that may be call in to diflurb the peace and quiet of your fouls ; and therefore, whether your graces or gracious evidences do chine or are clouded, yet fill have your recourfe to the free-grace of God, as to your firft Royal Fort, your firfi City of Refuge ; and fill cry out, Grace, grace. When your gracious evidences are clear if and fulleff, it then concerns you to look upon free grace as your choiceft and fafeft City of Refuge. But,, The fecond Royal Fort thatChriftiansihonld have their eys, their hearts fixed upon, whether their graces or gracious evi- dences fparkle and thine, or are Clouded and obicured, is the Mediatory righteoufnefsofChriff.Beloved,there is a twofold righteoufnefs in Chrift. Firfi, there is his effential and per- fonal righteoufnefs as God : NON this effential perfonal righteoufnefs of Chrift cannot be imputed to use But then there is, Secondly, his Mediatory righteoufnefs, that is that righteoufnefs which he wrought for us as Mediator, whereby he did fubjea himfelf to the preceptt, to the penalties, com- tnands&curfes,anfwering bothGods vindiaive and rewarding juflice. This is communicated to us, and made ours : by vir- tue of which we child rain curia, jellified in God's fight. The Mediatory righteoufnefs of Chrif is the matter of our juftification. Now this Mediatory righteoufnefs of Chrifi includes, Firft, the habitual holinefs of his perfon in the ab fenCe of all fin, and in the rich and plentiful prefence of all holy and requifite qualities. Secondly, the actual holinefs of his Rota. 4. 16. Korn. S 33, 3035)36. 2. Imputed righ- teoufnefs Teems to be prefigured by the skins wherewith the Lo d after the fall cloathed oar firft pa- rents. The bo. dies of the beafts were for facrifice, the skins to put them in mind, that their own righteoufnefs was like the fig-leaves int- perfea., & that thepefore they muff be juftifi- ed anothemay.