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360 A Box of:precious Ointment : Or, his life and death by obedience. By his aOlive obedience he perfectly fulfilled the commands of the law, and by his paf- Live obedience, his voluntary fufferings,hefatisfied the penal- ty.znd commination of the Law for tranfgreflions. Mark, chat perfe& fatisfaaion to divine, juftice in whatfoever it re- quires, either in way of punilhing for fin, or obedience to the Law, made by the Lord Jefus Chria, God and Man, the Mediator of the new Cov,:nan, as a common head repre- fenting all thofe whom the Father hath given to him, and made over unto them that believe in him. is that righ- teoufnefs that is imputed to us in jollification. No other righteoufnefs can juflifie us before the throne of God. Look, as Chrin was made fin for us only by imputation, fo we are made righteous only by the imputation of his righteoufnefs to us ; as the Scripture clearly evidences, 2, C or. 5. 2;. He bath made him to be fin for 1,0, who knew no fin, that we might be mute the righteoufnefs of God in him. jer,, 2 3 6. The Lord our righteoulnelso (A foul truly fenfible of his own unrighteouf- nefs, would not have this fentence, The Lord our righteoufnefs, blotted out of the Bible for ten thoufand thoufand worlds.) i Core 1, 3 0, Chrifl jefas is mou14, unto us of God, wifdorn, righteoufnefs, &c. And pray, how is Chriff made righteouf- nefs to the believer? Not by way of infufion, but imputation; not by putting righteoufnefs into him, but by putting a righ- teoufnefs upon him, even his own righteoufnefs ; by the im- puting his merit, his fatisfaaion, his obedience unto them, through which they are accepted as righteous unto eternal life, Rom. 5 19, As by one mans difabedience many were made gnners, fo by the obedience of one fhall many be made righteous. Chrift'srighteoufnefs is his in refpea of inhefion, but it is noaulrlsy, but eirillitPourtiaotuiPfIll y? 1 .his L o ok, g h taesotuhfenreefsiiss ah,itsr upee rafhd oreal union between us and Chrifl, fo thereis a real imputa- tion of Chrifl's righteoufnefs to us. And a gracious foul triumphs more in the righteoufnefs of Chrift imputed, than he would have done if he could have flood in the righteouf- 1 nefs in which he was created. This is the crowning comfort I to a fenfible anci underflanding foul, that he Hands righteous t before ,._,._........._...p.----_ ,.......... 0 fiander was of of in ion, that mcn were fled by the et= fcnrial righte- oufnefs of Ch.ift as God, which opinion is largely con- futed by Calvin in his Inftitu- rticns.