... A -rboke,.-Bed 61' before a judgment-feat, in that full, exaa, perfeet, corn- pleat, matchlefs, fpotlefs,.pearlefs, and molt acceptable righ- teoufnefs of Chrift which is imputed to him. The righteouf, nefs of Chrift is therefore called the righreotirnels of God, be- caufe it is it which God hath defigned, and which God doth accept for us in our juflification, and for and in which he doth acquit and pronounce us righteous before his feat of juflice. That we are freely juflified by the righteoufnefs of Chrift imputed to us, is the very Beffis, foundation and Rate of Chriftian Religion, whereby it is,diftinguiflied from all other Religions whatfoever, Jews, Turks, Pagans and Pa- pifts explode an imputed righteoufnefs, yea Papifis jeer it, calling it a putative righteoufnefs. Well Sirs, remember this once for all, viz,. That the Medi4,tory righteoufnefs ,of, Chrift is the life of your fouls, and will afford you thefe moft admirable comforts. Firft, In this righteoufnefs there is enough to fatisfie the juflice of God to the utrnoA farthing, The Meqiatory righ- feoufnefs. of Chrift is fo perfea, fo full, foiexaa, fo com- pleat, and fo fully fatisfacaory to the jullice of God, as that, divine juftice cryes. out, I have enough; and I require no more ; I have found a ranfom, and I am fully pacified to-1 wards you, Ex,ek. i6.62, 63. But, Secondly, This,Mediatory righteoufnefs of Chrift_ takes away all oar unrighteoufnefs, it cancels every bond, it takes away all iniquity, and anfwers for all our fins. Lord, here are my fins of omillion, and here are my fins of cornmiffion but the righteoufnefs of Chrift hath anfwered for them all.; here are my fins againfl the Law, and here are my fins againfl the Gofpel, and here are my fris,againft the offers of grace, the tenders of grace, the- ftrivings of grace, the bowels of graceb b but the righteoufnefs of Chrift hath anfwered for them all. 'When a cordial was offered to one that was rick ; (fiid he) the cordial of cordials _which I daily take is thiqfhe blood of 7 elie4Chrift cleanfeth iss from all oPtrfins.0 Sirs! would be high blafphemy for any to imagine that there A a a fhou Id Rom. 3.2.1,2.z. ;. Rom. i o. 3. Phil. 3. 9. Luth:rs great fear was, that when he was dead this glori- ous doarine of' free juitifiCati. on by the righ-' teoufnefs of Chaff would be fent packing out of the world. r., 2. Ira. 53. Col. 2.111 13; 14, 15. ob. 1. 7.