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362 \ Row. 8. 1)33, a41-) 35. 3. ',ev.ig T&, cA1140(141)- OCT Eph. 5. Cant. 4. 7. z. 1o. Rev. 14.5. That was a , irate speech of iI,tether,Iffe yi- oieret acbi an'ma AB-ozofkedettsPiatiteritibr, fhould be more demerit in fin, in any fin, in all fin, to con- demn a believer, than there is merit in Chrifrs righteouf- nefs to abfolve him, to juftifie him. But, Thirdly, This righteoufnefs of Chrifl prefents us perfeol- ly righteous in the fight of God. It is that pure, fine, white linnen garment, whereby our nakednefs is covered before the face of God. And to her was ranted (that is to the Lambs wife) that jhe fhould be arrayed in fine linnen, clean and white ; for the fine linnen is the righteournefs of Saintslor the righteoufneffes or jollifications of Saints ; for the Greek is plural. Some by righteoufneffes underfland the righteoufnefs of Chrifl im- puted, and 6-2 righteoufnefs of Chrift imparted ; but I ra ther clofe with thole. who fay it is an Hebraifm, the plural righteoufneffes, noting that moll perfe61, cornpleat, abfolute righeoufnefs which drill is pleafed to put upon his people. Upon the account of this righteoufnefs of Chrifl,the Church is faid to bewithout fpot or wrinkle, and to be all fair. Thou art all fair my Icve, there is ne fpot in thee. And to be compleat. "Ind ye are cornpl eat in him, which is the head of all principality Ind power. And babe without fault. They Arc without fault be- (Ire the.tirone of God. And fo Col. 1.21. And to prefent us holy, tnd unblansable, and unreprovable in the fight of God. But, Fourthly, This righteoufnefs of Chrifl will anfwer to all the fears, doubts, and obje&ions of your fouls. How (hall I look up to God ? the Anfwer is, in the righteoufnefs of Chrift. How (hall I have any communion with a holy God in this world? the Anfwer is, in the righteoufnefs of Chrifl ? How (hall I find acceptance with God? the An-, in the righteoufnefs of Chrifl. How (hall I dye ? the Anfwer is, in the righteoufnefs of Chrifl ? How fhall-I {land before a Judgment -feat? the Anfwer is, in the righteoufnefs of Chriff. Your fure and only way under all temptations, fears, confli&s, doubts and difputes, is by faith to remember Chrifl, and the fuff'erings of Chrif}, as your Mediator and Surety ; and fay, 0 Chriff, thou art my fin in being made fin for me, and thou art my curie in being made a curfe for me ;