A choice. Bed of Spices. me ; or rather I am thy fin, and thou art my righteoufnefs, I am thy curfe and thou art my bleling, I am thy death and thou art my life; I am the wrath of God to thee, and thouA art the love of God to me, I am thy hell, and thou art my heaven. 0 Sirs if you think of your fins and of God's wrath, if you think of your guiltinefs and of God's juitice, your hearts will fail you and fink into defpair ; if you don't think of Chrift, if you don't reit and flay your fouls upon the Mediatory righteoufnefs of Chrift. But, Fifthly and laftly, The righteoufnefs of Chrift is the belt title that you have to thew for a Kingdom that flukes not,for riches that corrupt not, for an inheritance that fadeth not a- way, and for an houfe not made with hands, but one eternal in the heavens. The righteoufnefs of Chrift is your life,your joy, your comfort, your crown, your confidence, your hea- ven, your all ; and therefore whether your graces or graci- ous evidences do fparkle and fhine,or are clouded or blotted, yet fill keep a fixed eye and an awakned heart upon the Me- diatory righteoufnefs of jefus Chrift, for that's the righte- oufnefs by which you may happily live, comfortably die, and boldly appear before a Jadgment -feat. But, . , The third Royal Fort, that Chrifians thould have their eyes, their hearts fixed upon, whether their graces or graci- ous evidences fparkle and aline, or are obfaired and cloud- ed, is the Covenant of grace. The Covenant of grace is a new compaa or agreement 'which God hath made with fin- De4r. 4.23. ful man out of his own meer mercy and grace,wherein he un- dertake; both for himfelf and for fain man, & wherein he en- gages himfelf to make fain man everlaftingly happy.A11 man.; kind had been eternally loft, and God had loll all the glory of his mercy for ever, had lie not of his own free-grace and mercy made filch an agreement. with &fill man. This Cove- Chap. 1.5,7,8. nant is called a Covenant of grace, becaufe it Rows from the Ron-1.9.18,2. meer grace and mercy of God. There was nothing out of Jex.0... 38,39, God, nor nothing in Goclabut his meer mercy and grace that,, 4E:0, moved him to enter into Covenant with poor (inners. In,the 3 6 25' 2v, 363 mea maufara (it; Iv pro ea e folic tat Put tit vitam pro ea popierit,let him fee to it where my foul ihlll rat, who took co much care for it,as that he laid down his life for it. Ira. 55. 3 =& 54.7)8,9,1 ®. ter. 3 1.31. 50.5,&c. Hof. 14. 4. Tir.3.6. Eph. a. 5, 6,7. A'a a a Co--)