364 A Box ........____:______..., ireciolis 'Ointment : Or I Covenant of grace there are two things coniiderable, Firft, the Covenant that God makes for himfelf to us, which con- lifts of thefe Branches ; I. That he will be our God. 2.That he will give us a new heart, a new.fpirit. 3. That he will .not turn away his face from us from doing of us good. 4, That he will pat his4.ear into our hearts. 5. That he will,oleanfe lus from all our filthinefs, and from all our Idols. 6. That he will rejoyce over us to do us good. Seccndly,hee is the Co- venant which God doth make for us to himfelf, which con fills in thefe things ; i . That we shall be his people. 2,. That we shall fear him for ever. 3. That we (hall walk in his Sta- tutes, keep his judgments and do them. 4, That,we Mall not depart from him. Upon many account&I may not enlarge on thefe things ; but by thefe itliort hints 'tis evident, that the Covenant of grace is amentire Covenant made by God, both for himfelf and for us. O: Sirs ! in the Covenant of grace God Bands engaged to give whatfoever,he requires. Firil, lac.. requires us to know him, and he has engaged himfelf that we fhall know him, ler. 2 4.7. i xrll give them a heart to &ion' me, that I am the Lord. And fer.3t.34.They Jhall all know me from the left of them to the greateft, of them,. Heb. 8. 1 I. But, Secondly, The Lord frequently requires his people to troll in him, FPI/. 62. 8. lia. 2.6. 4. 2 Chron. 20. 20. And he has - enga'bed himfelf .that his:people fhall truft in him, zepi:, 3. 12. hvilhleAve in. the inttlit of thee an (ffli,lied sand poor people,andtheylhall tm/i in the namelbf theLord, 13ut, I. I Chr011. .8.9. Thirdly, The Lord frequently commands his people t fear him, Dent. 6. a 3. Chap. 8.6. And he lias engaged him- felf that they than fear him,, jer. 3 2. 40. i gill pit MY ,fe4r into their hearts, that tkey fhall not depart from me. Hof. 3. 5. They Pall fear the Lord and his gogdnefs. But, . } Fourthly, The Lord frequently' commands his people to love him, Dolt. U. 1. Pfal. 31.,230. 0 love the Lord, 411.ye hk Saints