A choke- Bed of Spices. - 36 Saints. And he has promifed and engaged himfelf, that his people (hall love him, Deut. 30. 6. The Lord thy god will circumeife thy heart and the heart of thy feed, to love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and,with all thy fowl. But, Fifthly, The Lord frequently commands his people to call upon him, and to pray unto him, PRI. 5o. 15. z Ther. 5. c. And he has promifed and engaged himfelf to pour upon them a fpirit of prayer, Zech. 12.1o. I will pour upon the houfe of David, and upon the inhabitants of jerufalem, the fpirit of grace and fupplications. But,. *Sixthly, The Lord frequently commands his people to re- 6. pent, and to turn from their evil vayes,_. Hof.14. 1. Ez;,eh, 14. 6. Chap. 18. 3o. Ads 17. 30. Aar 26. 2o. And he has promifed and engaged himfelf, that they fhall repent-and turn from their evil wayes, Ads 5. 30. Aas tr. IS. 2 Tim. 2.25.. lfa. 30.22. er. 24.7. But, Seventhly, The Lord has commanded his people to obey 7. him, and to walk in his Statutes, der. 24.7. And he has pro- mifedandengaged himfelf, that his people shall obey him, and walk in his Statutes, Etek. 36. 27. And I will put my fpi- rit within you, and carafe you to walk in my fiatutes, and ye pall keep my judgments and do them. So Ezek. it. 19)20. Chap 37. 23,24. Bat, Eightly, The Lord commands his people to mourn for 8. their fins, Ifa. 22. 12. Pei z. /2. jam. 4. 10. And he has promifed and engaged himfelf to give them a mourning frame, Z ech. 12. io. They fhall look upon him whom they have pierced, and they fhall mourn for him, ae one that mourneth for an only fon. Ezek.7.16. They (hall be on the mountains a4 the-Doves of the valleys, all of them mourning every one for hu iniqui.). Bat, Ninthly,The Lord commandshis people to grow in grace, 2 Pet. 3. 18. &c. And he has promifed and enggecl him- felf, that they (hall grow in grace, Pfal. 92. 121 13, i4. The 7' 1 h-