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'366 A Box of recious Ointment : ,017, righteous /hall fictirilh like the Palm-tree (vvhich is al wayes green and flourishing) he fhall grow like a Cedar in Lebanon. The Cedar of all Trees is molt durable, and (hoots up bighefl-. Thofe that be planted in the houfe of the Lord, than flourish I in the Courts of our God ; they fhall flill bring forth fruit ; in old age, they !hail be fat and flouriihing. See Hof, 14. 5, 6, 7 4, 2. 8c c. BUt, I 0. Tenthly, The Lord commands his people not to fuffer fin to reign in them, Rom. 6. 12* Let not fin reign in your mortal body. And he has promifed and engaged himfelf, that fin than net reign in them, Rom. 6.14. Sin [hall not have dominion over you. Jet. 33.8. And I will cleanfe them from all their iniquitk Ezek. 36. 25. Then will 1 fprinkle clean water upon you, and ye all be clean from all your filthinefs ; and from all your Idols will I cleanfe yoN. Mich. 7. 19. He will fnbdue oto iniquities. But, 1 1. 12. Eteventhly, He has commanded his people to loath their fins, and to loath the.mfelves for their fins, Pfal. 97. zo. re that love the Lord hate evil. Rom. 12. 9. Abhor that which U evil. And the Lord has promifed and engaged himfelf to give them fuch a frame of fpirit, Ezek. 36. t3. Then 'hall ye re- Humber your own evil ;payer, and your doings that were not good, andfhall loath ymrfelves in your own fight for your iniquities, and for your abominations. Ezek. 6. 9. And they that efcape of yeti final remember me among the Nations whither they 'hall be carried captives, becaufe I am broken with their whoriflo heart, which bath departed from me, and with their eyes which go a whoring after their Idols, and they lhall loath themfelves. for the evils which they have commited in all their absminationt. Ezek. 20.43. And there jhall ye remember your ways ' and all your doings wherein yogi have been defiled, and ye fhall loath your felves in your own fight, for all your evils that ye have committed. But, Twelfthly and lafily, (for enough is as good as a feaft) God has commanded us to hold out, to perfevere to the end, la C or. 15.58. Ertl. 2. AO. Lake lg. i. And the Lord has pro- d