.............- A choice Bed of Spices. mifed and engaged himfelf, that they shall perfevere, Sob 17.9. The righteous _than bold on hie way, and he that bath clean 3 Satre 3. To hands fhall le fironger and fironger. Ia. 40. 3 1. They that wait upon the Lord Phan renew their firengeb, they (hall mount up with wings as Eagles, they fhall run and not le weary, they pan walk and not faint. Thus you fee by an indu6lion of twelve parti- culars, that what ever God requires of his people, he fluids engaged by the Covenant of- grace to give to his people, to do for his people. NON mark, the Covenant of grace is confirmed to us in the furef} and moil glorious way that can be imagined. The Covenant of grace is fo firongly ratified, that there can be no nullingof it.. For, Firfi, 'Tis confirmed to us by his Word. I will Le your god, and }'cu (hall le my people. Now, all the promif es of God in htnt are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us ; that is, they are liable and firm, as the Hebrew word fignifies. They will eat their way over all Alps of oppofition. In the new Covenant God neither makes nor fulfils any promifes of fal - vation, but in Chrift and by Chrift. Secondly, God hath ratified the Covenant of grace by his oath ; his promife is enough, but furely his oath mull put all out of queflion ; there's no room for unbelief now God hath fworn to it ; had there been a greater God,he would have fworn by him. But, Thirdly, God bath ratified it by the death of his Son. A mans fall Will and Taftament as foon as he is dead,ia in force and cannot then be difannulled. The Covenant of grace is a Teflamentary Covenant, which by the death of the Tellator is fo fetled, that there is no altering of it. But, Fourthly and laftly, The Covenant of -grace- is ratified by the feals which God bath annexed to it. What was Pealed by the Kings Ring could not be altered. God hath fet his feals 8. to 3'7 Gen. 17. 7. Heb., 13.20. Pfal. 89. i8. Sim. a3. 5. Cor. I. 30. 2. Gen. 3.24 'Cr... 6, 3. Gal 3.15,