'3: A Box of precious °hutment : Or, to the Covenant of grace, his broad feal in the Sacraments, and his privy feal in the witnefs of his Spirit, and therefore 'tis cure and can't be reverul, & c. Now, when ever you look upon your graces or gracious evidences with one eye, be lure you look upon the Covenant of grace, your Lift royal Fort with the other eye. The whole hing of a mans comfort and happinefs hangs upon the Cove- I nant of grace. The Coyenant of grace is the Saints original 1 title to heaven, 'tis a Saints belt and brightefl evidence for life and faivation. There wa's an eternal deign (an eternal plot, if I may fo fpeak) betwixt God the father and the Lord jefus Chrift ; a bargain,a Covenant made between the Father 1 i and the Son, for the falvation of his chofen ones; and by this 1 patient and tenure of, grace, all Saints have tit e to heaven, &c. Dear Chriflians, -many times your gracious evidences are fo blotted and blued that you can't read them. 0 then, turn to the Covenant of grace ; when other evidences fail you, the Covenant of grace will be a glorious, handing evi- dence to you ; 'tis upon the fcore of the Covenant that you muff challenge an intereft in all the glory of another world. The Covenant of grace is the great Charter, the Magna C harta of all your fpiritual priviledges and immunities. Now in this great Charter the Lord declares, That fincerity 'Mall go for perfe6tion : In this ,great Charter the Lord Bath de- clared Jhat he judges his people by the handing bent and frame of their hearts, and not by what they are, under Tome pangs of paffion, or in an hour of temptation. In this great Charter the Lord declares,That his eye is more upon his peo- ples iniard difpofition, than 'tis upon their outward anions; land that his eye is more upon their will, ,than 'tis upon their work. In this great Charter, the Covenant of grace, the Lord Bath declared, .,That he will not- forfake his people, nor call off his people, becaufe of thofe failjngs and wenkneffes that inay and do attend them, i Sam. 12. 22. For the Lord Luke T. 5., 6. digs 13. 2. 2 2,Claton 8) 19,10. 2. Cor. 8. 12; Phil. 2. 13. Punder much upon Jer, 13 ty to 38. not 46rjake his people for his great name fake becagfe it bath ;plea'love, and he hill loveth you for his choice. God \Nil rather ted the Lcrd to make, Jon his people. Fie chafe you for his