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A choice', Bed of Spices. pity his people under their weaknefs,than he will rejeel them-7 for their weaknefs.TheCoveriant of grace thatGod bath made with his people, is as the Covenant that a man makes with his Wife. I will betroth thee unto me for ever, faith the Lord.Turn Hof. z. t9,zo. 0 back-P;ding children, faith the Lord, fur I am married unto Jer. 3. 13. {pa. Now,a man will never reje& his Wife, he will never cat} off his Wife for thofe common vveakneffes and infirmi- ties that daily attends her ; no more will the Lord call off his people, becaufe of the infirmities that daily hang upon them. In this great Charter, the Covenant of grace , the Lord declares, that he will require no more than he gives ; and that he will give what he requires, and that he will ac- cept what he gives ; and what can a God fay more? and what can a gracious foul defire mare ? 0 Sirs I when all is cloudy over head, and all dark with- in doors, when a Chriflians graces are not tranfparent, when his evidences for heaven are foiled and blotted, and when neither heart nor houfe are as they fhould be, 'tis good I then:to turn to the Covenant grace and to dwell upon the Covenant of grace. Thus Amid did, 2 Sam. 23. g. Al- though my houfe be not fo with God, yet be bath made with me an everiaftingcovenant, ordered in all thing.; and furs : for this is all my falvation, and all my defire, although he make it not to grow. Let me give a little light into the words. I Although my bogie be not fo with God.] Though David. in 1 the main had a good heart, yet he had but a wicked houfe. Abfalone had (lain his Brother, rebelled againft his Father, and lay with his Fathers Concubines. And Amnon had de- floured his Silica., &c. Now David under a deep fenfe of all this wickednefs, and of his own perfonal unworthinefs, fad- ly fighs it out, Although my houfe be not fo with God, &c. though I have not walked fo exa6lly and perfe5tly as I fhould have done, thoEgh neither I nor my houfe have walked anfwerable to thofe great mercies and fingular kindneffes of God that have been extended to us. Xet he bath made with me an everlafling Covenant.] The word everla4ing bath two acceptations ; it doth denote, a. Some- B b b times 3 9