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37° A Box of precious- tit:it:new yr, . Vzde Ifa. 55.3, Gen. 17. 7. Kai. It o5,9,10 2. times a long duration, in which refpea the old Covenant cl thee! with figai es and ceremonies is called everlafiing,, becaufe it was to endure, and did endure a long time.l.Some- times it denotes a perpetual duration, a duration which, (hall laa for ever. In this refpea the Covenant of grace is ever- lafling, it fhall never ceafe, never be broken, never be a' te -ed. Now, th.! Covenant of grace is an everlaaing Co- vmant in a twofold refpea. Fira, Ex parte raderan,tis, in refpe61 of God, who will ne- ver break Covenant with his -people, but is their Gcd, and will be their God for ever and ever, Tfal. 48, 14 For this god is our God for. ever and ever, be will be our guide even unto death : I and after death too ; for this is not to be taken ex- cl ufive ; he will never leave his people, nor forfake his peo- ple,,Heb. 13. 5, 6 Secondly, Exprte confcederatorum, in refpe6 of the peo- ple of God who are brought into Covenant; and fhall con- tinue in Covenant for ever and ever. You have both thefe expreffed in that excellent Stripture, yer.3 2.1.o. I will make an everlajling covenant with them, that. I will not turn away from them to do thew good; but 1 will put my fear in their hearts that they /hall, not depart- from me. Serioufly dwell upon the place ; it (hews that the Covenant is everlaaing on God's part, and al- fo on our part On God's part, 1 will never turn away from them to do them good ; and en our part, They )(hall never depart from me. Flow fa ? I will pit my fear in their hearts, that they /hall not depart from me (even that fear fpoken of in ver. 39. That they may fear me fs,r ever.) Ordered in all things.] 01 what head can conceive, or what tongue can exprefs that infinite counfel, wifdom, love, care and tendernefs that the bleffed God has exprefl in order- ing the Covenant of 'grace, fo as it may molt and belt. fuit to,all the wants, and araits, and neceilities, and-miferies, and defires, and longings of poor fanners fouls. The Covenant of grace is fo well-ordered by the unfearchable' wifdom of God,that you, may find in'it remedies to cure -all your difeafes, an