Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

372 A Box of precious Ointment : Or, in all your fails, that not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the Lord your Godfpake concerning you, all are come to gaffe unto you, and notone thing bath failed thereof. 0 Sirs ! i the Covenant of grace s bottomed upon God's everlafling love, upon Gods unchangable love, upon God's free love: whom God loves once he loves forever. / have loved thee with an evert ailing 1 ove. God can as well ceafe to be, as he can ceafe to love thofe whom he has taken into Covenant with hirnfelf. And as the Covenant of grace is bottomed upon God's everlafling love, fo 'tis bottomed upon Gods immuta- ble counfel, God willing more abandaitly to fbew unto the heirs of prornife, the immutability of kw coulfel confirmed it by an oath. And as the Covenant of grace is bottomed upon the immu- table counfel of God, fo it is bottomed upon the free pur- pofe of Gad) 2 Tins. 2. 79. The foundation of God flandeth'i lure ; that is, the decree and purpofe of God's ele6tion flands firm and cure. Now, the purpofe of God's election is com- pared to a foundation, becaufe it is that upon which all our happinefs and bleffednefs is built and bottomed, and becaufe as a foundation it abides firm and Pure. And as the Covenant of grace is bottomed upon the free purpofe of God, fo 'tis bottomed upon the glorious power of God. The power of God is an infinite power, it is a fupream power, a power that overtops the power of all mortals : What's the ftubble to the flames, the chaff to the whirlwind? no more is all created power to the power of God. The weaknefs of God is firon- ger than men ; and did not Pharaoh find it fo ? and Haman find it to ? and Sennacherib find it fo ? and Nehatchadnet4ar find it fo? and Belfhattar find it fo? and Herod find it fo ? In all the ages of the world the power of God hath bore down all before it ; the power of God is an independant'povver, a matchlefs power)an incomparable power,an enduring power, an eternal power. And as the Covenant of grace is bottomed upon the power of God, fo it is bottomed upon the oath o God, Luke i. 72. To perform the mercy promifed to our fathers, and to remember his holy Covenant. 'yen 7T. The oath which he mare to our father Abraham., To 'th'ink that God will break his oath, or be perjured, is an intollerable. blafphemy. Once Vlore John 13. I. jer. 3 I. 3. Hcb. 6, 171 112;33. t Ifa. 4t. 2. Mai. 4. 1. 1 C01, I, 21,, Reb. Pfal. 89!-.3 4,3 S.