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A, choice Bed of Spires. more give me leave to fay, the Covenant of grace is bot- tomed not only upon the oath of God, but alfo upon the pre- icious blood of Chrift. The blood of Chrift is called the !Thislood of the everlaftina Covenant, Heb.13.20. Mat. 26.28 is my blood of the At ea Teflarnent, xhich i s jhed for many for ithe rerniffion of fins. Eleb. 9. 15. And for this carafe he is the lfrfedtato7 of the New Teflament,that by means of death, for the re idemption of the tranfgrellions that were under the fi It Tearnent, !they which are called might receive the prcmife of eternal inhert- itance. Ver. 17 A Teflament is of force after men are dead. It jig called a Covenant and a Tettarnent. i. A Covenant in re- 'fpe& of God, and a Teftament in refpeca of Chrift. 2. A Covenant in refpet of the manner of agreement ) and a Teftament in refpek of the manner of confirming. Jefus Chrift died as a Teftator, and by his death confirmed the Teflamentary gift before made of Life and Salvation.No,v, the Covenant of grace being thus glorioufly bottomed as you fee, it muff roundly and undeniably follow, that the Cove- mnt of grace is a Cure Covenant. For this is all my falvation and all my define.] i. e. This is the great ground of all my hope concerning my falvaticn, and of all the happinefs and bleffednefs which I look for in another world. This everlafling Covenant, this fure Cove- nant, is the great Charter of Charters that I have to thew for eternal blifs. David was drawing neer to his eternal home, and whether his graces and gracious evidences for Iheavens happinefs were bright and fhining, or blotted and clouded, I than not at this time {land to enquire ; it is e- nough that he 'byes his foul upon the Covenant of grace, and i that he comforts and folaces his foul in the Covenant of grace. l An' 0 that all Chriflians when their graces and gracious evidences are either clouded or blotted, or elfe fparkling and fhining, that they would frequently eye thefe three royal Forts, viz.. i. The free-grace and favour of God. 2. The Mediatory righteoufnefs of Chrift© 3. The Covenant of I grace. Now, that I may the more effe&ually prevail with you to look upon thefe royal Forts, and to delight in thefe royal Forts, and to prize thefe royal Forts, ,and to im2rove thefe