A choice Bed of Spices. them is more worth than heaven and earth, and they may yield you much comfort, much fupport, much refrething, and much fatisfaaion; though they can't yield you that full comfort,nor that full fatisfaerion as Curia himfelf can yield, as Chrift's fatisfa &ion can yield, as free jullification can yield.Though children and friends can't yield to a Wife that full comfort, content, delight and fatisfaalion as her Hus- band does, yet they may yield her much comfort, much con- tent, much delight, much fatisa6tion. The application is eafie, But, Secondly, Confider, That Chriflian that hath free-grace; that bath free jollification, that hath the Mediatory righte- oufnefs of Chrill, that hath the fatisfaaion of ChrifT, that bath the Covenant of grace moll conflantly in his fight, and moll frequently warm upon his heart, that Chriflian of all Chriftians in the world is molt free from a world of fears, and doubts, and fcruples, which do fad, fink, perplex and prefs down a world of other Chriflians, who affeet a life of fent.; and who daily eye more what Chrift is a doing in them, and whar they are a doing for Chrilt, than they do eye, either his active or patfive, obedience. Chriit hath done great things for his people, and he has Coffered great things for his people, and he has purchifed great things for his people, and he has prepared great things for his people ; and yet many of his own dear people are fo taken. up with their own hearts, and with their own duties and, graces, that Chrifl is little eyed by them, or minded by them ; and what is this but to be more taken with the firearm than with the Fountain ? with the leaves, bloffoms and fruit,- than with the Tree it fell? with the bracelets, ear-rings and gold chains, than with the Husband himfelf ?-with the Nobles that wait, than with the King thatis waited on? And this is the great Reafon why fo many Chrillians (mhowill certainly go to heaven) do walk in darknefs, and lye down in forrow. But, Thirdly, Trolling in °kir; own duties, and refling on our [own righteoufnef4And -not ,r,Chrift's folely) is a clofe, fe_ cret, 375 2.