Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

A Box of precious Obit/sent: Or 53.ipz,3. Zech. 7. 5, 6. Mar.r.:hape2 3 Luke Look as the-e is nothing more ipleafing to hnil,than the renouncing of all confidence in our own duties and righ- teoufnefs fo there is nothing more provoking to Chrift, than the letting up of our own du.. ties and righte- oufnefs. This is a fecrct lm- poilhumc that kills thoufands. fecret, fpiritual, dangerous and unperceivable fin, which the nature of man is exceedingly prone unto. The Pharifees were mightily given up to truit in their own righteoufnefs, to reft on their own righteoufnefs, and to boait and glory in their own righteoufnefs ; and this prov'd their mortal difeafe, ' their damning lin truiting in their own righteoufnefs had fo befotted and bznurnmed them, that they had no mind, no heart to open the gates of their-fouls, that the King of glory might enter in. And this was that which undid the Jews, Rom. 10. 3. For they being izn)rant of Gods righteoufnefs, and going about to egablifh their on n rightecofnefr, have not futbroitted thews, to the righteoufnef's of God. And 'tis obfervable, the Apoille ufeth an emphatical word of a len), Rom.2.17. Thou refleft in the Law, 'F.71-Otrecrodni, thou art fecure in the Law, as in tome admirable priviledge and fignal teftimony of Gods love. This was Bern4rds temptation, when being Ailed in duty he could ftroak his own head with bene fectfti Bernarde 0 Bernard, this was gallantly dune, now chear up thy Pelf. It was the faying of a precious Saint, That he was more afraid of hitdu ties than of his fins, for the one made him often proud, and the other made him alwayes humble. It was good counfel Dither gave, CAT/end/on efi non folum e's peccatis, fed A bonis operibste ; We mull take heed not only of our fins, but of our good works. Duties can never have too much diligence ufed about them, nor too little confidence placed in them they are good helps, but bad Saviours ; it is neceffary we do thorn, but it is dangerous to rely upon them. If the devil cannot diffwade us from performing Religious duties, then his next work will be to perfwade us all he can to rely upon them to make Saviours of them, becaufe this will as much gratifie Satan, and as certainly ruin our fouls, as if we had wholly negleed them. 0 man, thine own righteoufnefs retied in, will' at 'certainly and eternally undo thee as the area telt and fouleit enormities. This foul-ficknefs is that fpi- ritual Idolatry that will undo thee, for thou rnakeft thy fell' a Saviour, and thy duties a Saviour, and fayeft of thy duties, as they did of the olden 6aif Thirei!areihegods that bwonght thee= ont of the' Lattiiilof jpt. )OrpdflIWidkednefs, openidolt. try