Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

A choice Bed of Spices. try ilayes her thoufands, but fecret idolatry, a fecret refling . , u\,vpaoricil dbyuttiheissildayifeesa difeafe, rantdeil hofoulf.aenvdesr; multitudes pbhlaeneedfsini-s 1 ithe broad dirty way that leads to hell, but Religious duties irefted in, is as fore a way, though a cleaner way to hell ; pro perfons and formal Profeffors, fnall meet at laft in one In,t11. Ah Chriflians ! don't make Religious duties your mo- lt-ley, left you and your money perifh together. The Phenix gathers fweet odoriferous flicks in Arabia together, and then blows them with her wings and burns with them : So do ma- ny ihining Profeffors burn themfelves with their own duties and fervices. You know in Noah; floud, all that were not in. the Ark, though they climb up the talleit Trees,and the high - eft Mountains and Hills, yet were drowned : So let men climb up to the higheil duties, yet if they be not houfed in Chrift,& in his righteoufnefs, they will be as certainly damn- ed,as the men in the old world were certainly drowned. Adam and all his pofterity was to be faved by dcing ; Do this and live. And hence it is natural to all the fons and daughters of Adam to reit on duties, and to look for life and happinefs in a way of doing ; but if falvation were to be had by doing, what ineed of a Saviour ? Well, remember this once for all, fuch as reit on duties, fuch as reit on their own righteoufnefs, or on any thing on this fide Chrift, fuch ihall find the as weak as the abrian, or as fareb, they cannot heal them, They can- not cure them of their wounds :- When Ephraim faw his fick- nefs, and f tsdah faw his wound, then went Ephraim to the Abrian, and fent to King Jareb, yet could they not heal him, nor cure him of -his wound. Duties are to Satan as the Ark of God was to the P.hiliflines ; he trembles. to fee a foul di- ligent in the ufe of them, and yet not daring to rely on them but on Chrifl ; but when he can draw poor fouls to confide in their duties, and to reit on their duties, then he has his de- fign, then he claps his hands for joy, then he cryes out,Ah,ah, fo would1 have it. There is no fin that 'cloth fo formally and immediately oppofe Chrift, and reje& Chrift, and provoke. Chrift, as this of reiting upon felf-righteoufnefs ; and there- fore above all, pray againfl this, and watch againfl this, and C c c weep Hof. 5, 13;