378'. it Hoc: of precious 0 intinent : Or, weep over this. There is no man in his wits that hath a pre- cious lading, that will dare to adventure it in a crackt and broken veil& ; fo there is no Chriflian in his wits that will dare to adventure theeverlaffing faety of his foul upon the leaking vefiels and bottoms of his_ own holinefs or fervices. . 0 Sirs! -your duties cannot fatisfie the juflice of God, they - cannot fatisfie the Law of God ; your preffnt duties cannot fatisfie for your former finsand rents.that be behind. A man that payes his Rent handily every year, does not thereby fa- tisfi e for the old Rentinot paid in ten or twenty years before. Thy new obedience 0,Chriflian,, is too weak to fatisfie for old debts, and therefore roll thy---ilf on Chriff, and Chrift alone for life and for falvation. Beliarmine could fay after all his difputes for relying on works, on Saints and Angels, Tsi- tiuo efi, & c. The fafeft way is to rely on Jefus Chrifl. Nov, let all thefe things work you to renounce your own righte- oufnefs, and to take fan &uary alone in the pure, perfea, and moll glorious righteoufnefs of jefus Chriff, and in the free- grace of God. 1)(1111 is called by one the belt child of grace in the world ; 'for vvhatfoever he was, or had, or did, he afcribeth all to free-grace ; he was the chiefeft of the Apo- Ines, and yet lefs,,than the leaf+ of all Saints-,- he was very eminent, in grace, and yet what he was, he was by grace. By the fracetf God I elm ohgt I am. He lived, yet not he, but Chria lived in him. He laboured, more abundantly than they all, yet not he,- but the grace of God which was'with him. He was able to do all things, but Dill through Chrift that firengthned him. 0, that thefe three Taft things might work you to be more in, love with free-grace than ever, and to be more in love with the righteoufnefs of Chrifl than ever, and to be more in love with the Covenant of grace than e- ver. But, Auflia. Eph. 3. 8. Cor. i 5. 1o. Gal. 2.. 2.0. Cor. x5. I ILL 4. 13t The fourteenth Propofition is this. The more grace, the more holinefs, the more any man has of the Spirit of San- 6tific ation, the more clear, the more fair, the more full, the' more fweet will his evidences be for heaven, for falvation ; and