A choice Bed of Spices, and the more comfort, and the more affurance, and the more fettlement, and the more of the witnefs of the fpirit of Adop-, tion, filch a perfon will certainly attain unto. That Spirit which is the earnefl of our inheritance, and which Peals us up to an holy affurance, is an ho.ly Spirit ; he is frequently called the holy Spirit. C aft me not a,Tay from thy pretence, and take not' thy holy Spirit from me. But they retelled and vexed his holy Spi- rit. And grieve not the holy Spirit of God whereby ye are fealed unto the day of redemption. He therefore that defpifeth, defrifeth not man but God, avho bath alfo given unto us his holy Spirit. To make a man holy, is more than to create a world, 'tis a work too high, and too hard for Angels or men ; it becomes nom., rand it can be done by none but by the holy Spirit. Sanaifi- cation is the Spirits perfonal operation ; 'tis the great work of the Spirit to fhape, form, and fafhion the new-creature holinefs in all the vetiels of glory. The Spirit is the root of all holinefs, and therefore the feveral parts of holinefs are callecIthe fruits of the ,Spirit. Holiness is the very pi &ure of God ; and certainly no hand can carve that excellent pi- &are but the Spirit of God. Holinefs is the Divine nature, and none can impart that to man but the Spirit ; the Spirit is the great p-inciple of holinefs. Now the more grace, the more holinefs any man hath, the more he is the delight of the Spirit ; and the more the Spirit will delight to witnefs his Sonfhip, his Saintthip, and his Heirfhip unto him. Scripture and experience will tell you, that commonly men of greateft holinefs have been men of greatett affurance. This is cer- tain, the r ore holinefs the more affurance ; for fo the preci- ous promifes runs, 41.4. 3 2. 17. The cork of righteoufnejs le peace (to wit, peace of confcience, Rom. 5. IL.) and the effect of righteoalnefs quietnefs and affurance for ever. Inherent righteoufnefs (=-or of that hefpeaks, as is evident bv the 15. and 16. verfes of the fame Chapter) is the high-way to affu- rance and peace. So Pill. 50. hit. To hirn that ordereth his converfation aright, trill I "heir the falvation of God ; that is, de- clare my felt to be his Saviour, fay fome ; fay others, I will give him a profQeEt of heaven here,and a full fruition of hea- ven hereafterfay ether, I will caufe him to fee and know that , e c 2 379 Eph. Ta3)14. pal. 51. IT. Ifa. 63. Jo, Eph. 4- 3° rhef 4.8. Thef. a, 13 I Pet. X. s. 11.\ 22..