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Eph A Box of precious Ointment : Or, thall be caved. So John 14. i t. He that hath my comman- d,ernent! and keepeth them, , he it k. that loveth -met; end be that loveth I be loved of my father-, and I love, him ana man?feit tray: Pelf unto him. Vero 23. ,If any .n,flo me,,, he gill keep my 7,rord.F., and my father love him, and pre *ill come unto him and make cur abode .prith him. Holy, Chriftians fhall have moll, of the; fpiritual prefence of Chrift, and of the fin- oular manifeftations of the slove.of Ch:ift. to their fouls., The great °T reafon of reafons why the fprings of comfort,. of joy, of', inward peace, and of. affurance, rifes, no higher in many Chriftians fouls, is. becaufe the fpring,s of grace and holi- nefs rifes no higher in their fouls.Had Chriflians moregrace, and more holinefs in their hearts and live ,God would quick,: ly bring down.more of heaven and affUrance into their fouls. There is a bleffed affurance (as I,have told you before) which arifes from the difcovery of .grace in the foul. Now,t he more ample,,large and full the matter of, our affurance is, the more ample, large and full muff our affurance be. Methinks the connexion ,of thefe .four ,verfes, in Tints 2,, I 1).1 2, /3, i 4. ffiews this _When grace _that appears to us, 'teacheth us to deny ungodlinefs and worldly lulls, rPc. See what follows, then we are molt likely to look for the bleffed hope and glo- riouiapPearing,of our Lord and Saviour. Jefus Chrift. And 16,, '7' that prayer of the Apofile for his Ephefians) fpeaks as loudly 18 in the Cafe; :"That God would grant them to:be Ilrengthned by.the Spirit, &g. tube rooted and grounded inlove. And what 6en ? That ye may comprehend with all Saints, the length and breadth of the love.of God. Suppofe in health or ficknefs; living or dying,, a man should labour to..fupport, m comfort and chear up his fpirit, in the thoughts or editati- onsmf his eternal ele6tion and free juflification. And fup- pole that at that very time the Spirit of God, his own con- fcience, a faithful Minifter, or an experienced Chriftian fhould tell him, That if he be really juftified, he is really fanaified. Now, if this man ,should fay, What do you tell -me of fanOification, or .I know not whether I am fan&ified or no, or I look not to fanolifieation, I mind not holinefs, I regard not, the fruits of the Spirit ;- will not the..holy Spirit, will