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A choice Bed - of SPices: will not an en:ightned confcience, will not a faithful Mini- net., will not an experienced Ch:inian reply, Then certain- ly thou art not eleoled, thou art not junified*, . for it is a truth as clear as the Sun, a truth that will' admit of no dilpute, That none are eternally eleaed and freely junified, but they are fanaified 'and.that they that are riot fanaifiecl, are not ;unified. Mark; there is a olds connexion of 'fanaification with ;unification in the prornifes of the Covenant ; ',cation andfunification go 'nand iahand, they come forth like tut, of the womb of free-grace as you may fee in Ithefe' remarkable Scriptures, pr.: 3 3. 8, / grill cleanfe them Lfroin alt their iniquity whereby they have finned ofainfl me, and I will pardon all their iniquities whereby they have finned, and where- by they have tranfgreffed againfl me; Here you fee them both ex- prated together in the fame deed, I Trill cleanfe themfron cali their iniquity ; there is our fanOtification promifed. And I will pardon all their iniquities ; there is junification promifed, So LA/rich. 7.'19. He will fubdue our iniquities, and thou wilt crft all their fins into the depths of the Sea. Here you find juftifica- tion and fancaification again in the promife. He will folllue our iniquities This is fanftifying. And hewill cajii all their fins into the depths of the Sea; This is juflifying. Heb. S. to. I will put my Laws into their minds,and write them in their hearts (there is the promife of fanaification) VII-. 12. And I frill be mer- ciful to their unrighteoufnefs and their fins, and their iniq,itties will rememberno more ; (There. is the promife` of juflification. t John 1.9. lf we con fefs our fins, be is faithful and uft to forgive Po our fins ; (There is our juftification promil!.d.) And to el eanfe tes from al unrighteoufnefs ; (There is the promife of fanaification. Ezek. 3 6. 2 5. From All your flit-bine f s and frceu all your idols will Icleanfe you; (There is the promife of-fan- elification)'Ver, 29:-, I will giro favryou from all your unclean- nefres; (There 'is the promife of j'aflification) 1 C(r, 6. But ye are wafhed, but ye are fanEtified,but ye are jallifled. 'uni- fication and fanaification are infeparable companions ; di= ftinguiflied they -mull be,- but divided they can never be'; where fin is pardoned, the gift of fan&ity is 1E11 conferred. 'Tis;veaknefs, 'tis wickednefs for a man to concludethaael is Ron] S. 13131 19) 3 Q. 'Bern, in Cant. Sergn. 3 7, Ili