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2 ox of preciour Ontment : Or, ;See my Trea- 'tire on Holi- nefs. 1 is in an elected and juflified elate when he has nothing, when he has not the lean thing to evidence himfelf to be in a fanctified &ate : Both justification and fanctification have a neceffary respect to the falvation of all thole that ihail go to heaven Fle that will go to heaven mull be fanctified, and he that will go to heaven mull be justified. No man can go to heaven without both ; no man can go to heaven unlefs he be juitified, Rom. 8. 3o. i-Phorn he called, them alto he juiiified ; and Ix ham he justified, them he al, glorified. None are justified but fuch as are called, and none are glorified but filch as are junified. And as no man can go to heaven but he ghat is pa- , flified fo no man can go to heaven but he that is fanaified, John 3. 5. jefus anfivered and fail unto him, verily, verily, I fay unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot fee the king- dom of God. Ver. 5. jefm anfiverd, verily, verily, I fay unto thee, except a man be born of mater and of the fpirit, he cannot en- ter into the kingdom of God. Heb. 12. 14. And holinefil xith- out rshich no man /hall fee the Lord. By thefe Scriptures 'tis evi- dent that there is an abfoluteneCetlity both of fanaification and jollification in reference to falvation. Now, as fanctifi- cation ancljuflification are linkt together 0o the more clear, the more full, the more evident, and the more eminent a mans fanctification is, the more clear, the more full, the more evident and the more eminent will the evidences of his juflification be. The greaten evidences of our fanctification carries with them the greaten affurance of our jollification, and of our falvation. But, 15% The fifteenth Propofition is this. When your graces are flrongefl, and your evidences for heaven are clearest, and your comforts rife highen upon the fight of your. races or gracious evidences, then in a fpecial manner it concerns you to make it your great bufinefs and work to act faith a frefh, to act faith with'a greater flrength., upon the free, rich and glorious grace of God, and upon the Lord Jefus Chrift. 'Tis reported of the Chryftal, that it hath fuch a vertue in Iit, that the very touching of it quickens other hones, and puts