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A choice Bed of Spices. 3 pats a halter and beauty upon them. This is moil true of faith ; faith is a grace that gives arength and efficacy to all other graces, it is like a filver thred that runs thorow a chain of pearl, it bath an infiuence,upon all other graces that are in the foul ; faith is as the fpring in the watch that moves the wheels, not a grace flirs till faith lets it at work. What is laid of Solomons vertuous woman, viz:. That fhe fets all her p'roy.3 0,1 Maidens to work, is moll true of faith ; faith fets all the He.b. t. graces in the foul at work. We love as we believe, and We Rom. 4.3. & obey as we believe, and we hope as we believe, and we joy 8eIch4. as we believe, and we mourn as we believe, and we repent as we believe ; all graces keep time and pace with faith, &c. Now when your graces are molt fhining, and your eviden.; ces for heaven are molt fparkling, 0 then, give faith elbow- room, give faith fall fcope to exercife it fdf upon the Lord Jefus. Adams obedience to innocency was not more pleating and delightful to God, than the exercife of your faith on the Lord Jefus will be at fuch a time pleating and delightful to him ; you are to look upon all your graces and gracious evi- dences as your high& encouragement to a lively cheerful, i Joh. 5; 13. and refokite gting of faith upon the perfon of Chrift, the Rom. 1. 17 'righteoufnefs of Chrift, &c. All a Chriflians graces and all his gracious evidences should be but as a golden bridge* Gen.41.49,2.1, 4as foiephs wagons, a means to pats his foul over to Chrift a- 27:. frefh by a renewed exercife of faith. When your graces and gracious evidences are moil fplendenr, then be Pure that Chrili be found lying as a bundle of myrrhe between your Cant. f; breafts, and all is well, and will be well. Dear Chrifilans,1 Plu tarch in the when your eyes are fixt upon inherent righteoufnefs, and up- ' on your gracious evidences, then let your hearts be firmly life of Phocion fixt upon the Lord Jefus Chrill and his imputed righteouf- of gentle. nefs. P40/5 eye wa3 fixt upon his grace, upon his better part, woman of lo- Rom. 7. 22. I delight in the Law of god after .the inward man. nia who fhe wed Ver. 2 5. And with my mind I ferve the Law of God. And yet the wife °iPh 0- at the very fame time his heart was let upon Chritl,and taken clot all the rich j:-.wels and pre- up with Chrift. Ver..,25 I thank god through our Lord le- cions ftones the fku Chrift. Though Paul had an eye to his noble part, his bet- had: She an- ter part, his regeneratepart ; yet atthe fate time his heart Cwestel her a-- vas dot