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384 A Box of precious Ointment : Or, gain, all my I was taken up with the Lord ,Jefus Chrift as fruing of him riches and Jew- ,els is my Hus- bands. this is more applica- ble to Clarifl, is Cf r So in Col, 2, 2, 3. You ,have their eyes fixt upon &C. - [-grace, and at the fame time their, heartsfixt upon Chrift ; The precious their flone,0P-111011 hearts mg t e ,c,n or e being knit together in love, 'hi- tdbi (is raid) to- unto all riches of the fit t elf:trance of undtrftandinf, to the ac- have the vertu:: k!"%riedgment of the m)fiery of God,and ofthe father and of Chrifi, of all flones ; in Whom are hid all the treafxres of wifdcm and knowledge. 'Their the briOincis eyes were upon grace, but their hearts were taken up with of the Carbon- Chrifl. So in Phil. 3. 8. The Apoille had his eye upon the excellent knowledge of Chrift. But Ver. 9. his heart is ta- ken up with the righteoufnefs of -Chrift. That I might be found in him rgt having mine own righteoufnefs,- -which is of the Law, but that which is through the faith-of Chrift, the righteoufnefi which t.,of God by faith. Though Paul had his eye upon grace, upon inherent righteoufnefs yet in the-very prefence of his grace his heart was taken up with Chrift,,' and with his imputed righteoufnefs, as is evident in the Text. This is your glory Chriftians, in the prefence and fight of all your graces and gracious:evidences, tozfee the free grace of Chrift and his infinite, fpotlefs, matchlefs and glorious righteoufnefs to be yoUr fure4f, fweetefl, high& and choiceft comfort and re- fuge. Look as Rebkek4b was more taken with the perfon of Ifaae than the was with his ear-rings, bracelets, jewels of (ilver, and jewels of gold : So it becomes a Chrillian in the prefence of his graces and- gracious evidences (which are Chrifis ear-rings, bracelets and jewels) to be more taken up with Chrift than with them.- Chrift and his Mediatory righteoufnefs should be more in a Chriflians eye,and always }lye nearer-to .a.Cnriflians heart, than inherent righteoufnefs. Grace is a ring of gold, and Chrift is the fparkling"diamond in that ring. Now, what's the ring to the fparkling diamond? I 'Tis not fafe to pore more upon inherent righteoufnefs than upon imputedrighteoufnefs. 'Tis not wifdom to have our thoughts and hearts more taken up with our gracious difpo- j fitions and gracious aetings, than with the perfon of Chriff, 1 the from the curfe of the La w, the dominion of fin, the damna- tory power,of Cn, and as tranflating of him into-the glorious liberty of the fonsof God. I thank Ged through ow, L'-rd de) the purple colour of the Amethift, the amiable green- necs of the Emerald ; but i what are all 'there to Chrift. Gen.24.30,53) 64, 6$,66, 67. He that holds notwholly with Chrift, cloth very charnef uilyneg- le& Chrift. Artt tote ns men cam tone, aut tetliV1 omitte: Gregg xtrtten.