386 A Box of precious OiNtmerzt : Or, t. Cant. 8. f Job s3. Pfal. 5)11. ha. 50. 10. mic.7.738,90 0 John to. 2.7 2.8) 2.9. Cant, 3.b203, 4)5. et 1.3) 411) 6. gracious acaings, that too often they negled the exercife of faith upon Chrifl, upon the promifes; they gaze fo much and fo long upon what is wrought in them, and done by them,that they forget their grand work, which is immediate doling with Chria, immediate embracing of Chriii, immediate relying upon Chrift, immediate flaying, rovvling, and ref . - ing uporrChrifl, for juaification and falvation. Now, from thefe frequent mifcarriages of Chriflians, fome have taken the liberty and boldnefs very hotly and peremptorily to cry down the total ufe of all charaaers, figns and marks,the evil of which I have formerly pointed at, and therefoi-e let this touch fuffice here. Grace is excellent, yea very excellent, but Chrifl is infinitely more excellent than all your graces, and therefore above all let Chrift fill have the prehemi- nence. Now, though it mull be granted that a Chriflian may lawfully make ufe of his graces and gracious evidences in or- der to his fupport, comfort and encourao'"ement, yet it cannot be denyed but that the noblea, purell,higheft and moll ex- cellent as and exercifes of faith, are when a Chriflian clo- fes with Chrift, embraces Chrift, hangs upon Chrift, and flayes himfelf upon Chrift, and upon free and precious pro- mifes, when fenfe and feeling fails, when joy and comfort fails, and when his gracious evidences for heaven fails. 0 now, to turn to Chrifl,and to turn to the breafts of a pro- mife, and to live upon Chrifl, and to hang upon a promife, is the way of wages to exalt Chrift, and to glorifie Chrifl ; there is nothing that pleafes Chrifl, or that delights Chrift, or that is fuch an honour to Chrift, as there pure a6tings of faith are. Signs and evidences, are moll fweet, comfortable and pleafing to us ; but the pure a&ings of faith are mofi eyed and valued by Chrifl, and therefore many times Chrift draws, a curtain between him and the foul, and caafes a Chriflians Sun to fet at noon, and damps his joy, and marrs his peace, and clouds his evidences for heaven ' on purpofe to train up his children in the pure a&ings of faith. 'Tis fad when Chriftians make fuch immoderate ufe of their figns, marks, evidences ' as damps and hinders thofe dire& and im- mediate: of faith, whereby they should receive Chrift, and