88 44:Bbx of recioits, Ointment: Or, , - _____:_____.__, doin g, you will neither grieve Chrif}, nor provoke Ch rift nor.wrong your own precious and immortal fouls. But, 41; Sirtorius paid 'what he pro- rtnifed with fair words,Nutarcb. But fo does not God ; men may eAt their words, Nit God won't eat his. Tht fixteenth and lift Propofiilon that I 'hall lay down is this : When ever any frefh doubts or fears rife in your hearts, upon the flirrings of corruptions, or debilityof gra- ces, or failing in duties, &c. then keep clofs to thefe, two Rules.; Firfi, have recourfe to any of the former charaolers that are laid down in this Book, and while you find any of them fhining in your fouls ; nay, though it were but one, ne- ver pats any jucignient againft the happinefs and bleffednefs of your fpiritual or eternal eflates. Secondly, turn your felves to fuch particular protnifes, and plead filch particular promires,, and refit and flay your trembling fouls upon fIch particular promifes, and cling fait to fuch particular pro- mife>, that have been comforts, cordials and fupparts to ma- ny weak, doubting, trembling Chriflians, who have been al- wayes afraid to: Tay they had grace, or to fay that God was their Father, or Chrill their Redeemer, or the Spirit their San&ifier, or Heaven their Inheritance, &-c. I have read of a woman that was much difquieted in confcience, even to defpair, endeavouring to be her own executioner, but was comforted by that, bleffed promife, !fa, 57. 15. F6r the& faith the high and lofty one that inhabiteth eternity, whofi name td /Ply, clx ell in the high and holy place ; with kin; alto that is of an humble and contriie fpiri- to revive the fPirit of the humble,, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. And I have read ofl another man ' who be ready to dye; Lard, faith he, 1 c.hai-1 lenge thee by that prowife, Mat. II. 28. Come unto me all ye that labour, 4,4 are heavy laden, and I will give you reft and fo wascomforted. And I have read of fome others that were comforted with that promife, 7-ohn 10. 29. None fhall pluck them ow of my fathers hand. And I have read of another, who having deeply wounded his confcience by fubfcribing to Pc- pifh errors, was much comforted by that bleffed Scripture, rim.'. This is a, faithful _laying, and worthy of all ac- ceptation; 41243e.filio Chrift came into the world ofave finners cf