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A choke Bed of spines.. whom I am chief. And I have read of another, who was much Mr. Bi'ney the icomforted under fore difIrefles by that promife, Ifa. 26.3. Thou wilt keep him in perfea peace (or as the Hebrew runs, Sha- lom, Shal6m, peace,peace) whole mind is flayed thee, becaufe he trilteth in thee. And many have gone to heaven cri....'phant- ly by the refreihing and comfort that tney have fo.. - in defp:' fe This thefe following Scriptures, j'ehn 6. 37. All that the ' iveth me fbail come to me 5 and him that cometh to me, 1 will in cordial, to Ber- n don his cly- 3s9 Martyr, pfai, 51,17. A broken and a contrite heart, 0 God, thou thou wilt not nowife call out. Ifa. 55. I. Ho, every one that thlrfieth, come ye to the waters, and he that hash no money) come ye, buy and yea I - come buy wine and milk. without money, and without price. Ver. 3, Incline your ear and come unto me, hear and your foul (hall live, and I sill male an everlafiingC ovenant with you, even the fare mercies of David. And fo Rev. 2 2. 17. And the Spirit and the Bride Jay come, and let him that heareth fay come, and let him that is athirfi cone, and whofoever will let him take the water of life freely. So Hil. 14. 4.:- 1 will heal their back-flidings, and love them freely. So Ill. 43. 2 5. I, even I am he that blotteth out thy trangrejlions for mine own fake, and will not remember thy fins. Ifa. r '7, IS. 1 have feen his wayes, and will heal him ; I will lead him afro, and reftore comforts unto him, and to his mourn- ers. Ver. 19. I create the fruit of the lips ; peace, peace to him that U far ,jf, and to him that is near, faito the Lord, and I will heal him. 0, thefe have been comforting promifes, and up- holding promifes, and refrefhino. ) promifes, to many doubt- ino- drooping fouls, 'Tis irnpaible that fuch a foal Ihould ever drop into hell, that cat cling fait to any of thefe pro - mifes, that can hang upon any of thefe promifes, that can reit and lay the weight of their foul.s tpon Chriil in any of there promifes : Doubtlefs relyance upon Chria in thefe preci- ous protifes bath ferried many poor, doubting, trembling fouls to heaven. The promife is the golden Cabinet, and Chrift is the cofIly jewel- that is laid up in it. The promife is the field, and Chrift is the pearl of price that is hid in it ; all the promifes they point to Chriff, they lead to Chrift, they hang upon :Chrift ; A:l the promifes of God in him are yea, and in him Amen. In the new Covenant, God neither makes any promifes, nor fulfils any promifes of falvation, but i in ing u.. he dy- ed with tn,.. 7\; promife in his mouth. And Apimn:uoxf n f promife, va:me end f that e fes he caufed it to be written on the wall over againtl his bed where he lay lick and dyed. The promifes are pabulum fi- 8tc. anima fidei, the food of faith,and the foul of faith. ICor. a. 20,