A catalogue. itfftqffftfftPf.fftMttfftioi Book inted and are to be fold by John Hankodt, at his Shop over againft Grefham Colledge, in Bi- ihopfgate-itreet, next to the White Lyon at Great St. Hellins Gate, and at the shop in Popes-head- Alley next to Cornhil, at ,the Sign of the Three Bibles. Leven Books lately publifhed by Mr. Thomas Brooks, late Preacher of the Gofpel at Marg4rets Nero -F02:.Street. I Precious Remedies a gainfi Satans Devices:. Or, I Salve for Believers and Unbelievers fores ; being a com- panion for thofe that are in Chriff, or out of Crier, that flight or neglea Ordinances, under a pretence of living a- bove them ; that ar growing in fpirituals, or decaying ; that aretempted, 017 deferted 5 aii'liited, or oppofed ; that have af- furance, or want it 5, on 2 C cr. 2. i I; 2 Heaven on Earth : Or, A ferious Difcourfe touching a well-grounded Affurance of mans everlafling happinefs and bleffednefs ; difcovering " !the nature of affurance the polibility of attaining it, the ; tCaufes Springs and degrees of it, with the refolution of t , ieverai weighty Quellions on the 8. of the Romans 32, 33, 34. verfes. 3 The