Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

A Catalogue. 7 An Ark for all Gods Noahs in aflormy day. Wherein is chewed the tranfcendent excellency of a Be- 1 lievers portion 5 on Lmm'. 3. 24. 8 The Crown and Glory of Chrifianity : Or, Holinefs th,4 only way to Happinefs, ciiicovered in 43. Sermons on FM:12. 14. 9 The Privy Key of Heaven: Or, A Difcourfe of lofet-Prayer, Twenty Argutnents t, with the refolution of feveral QeRiOns, &c. 110 A Heavenly Cordial for all that have had, or have efcaped the Plague, &c. I Newly publifhed, A Cabinet of choice lewels, or, a Box f precious Ointment. Bin,, a plain Difcovery of what men are worth for Eter -nity, and how 'tis like to go o with them, in another World. There is now in the .12refi a New Treatife writ . ten by Mr . Thomas Brooks, called, Londons Lamentations Or, A fober ferions difcourfe concerning the late fiery difpent:1 cation, wherein the procuring caufes, and the fibal caufes that dreadful difpenfation are laid open, with the duties that are incumbent, both upon thofe who have been burn, up; and upon thofe who have efcaped thofe confarrvng flames with E e e s thirteen