eltv e,lra cwo tATIV ttTiv t171.3 triV tal? WrO tV/V ep mM,52keLimagmemEnam ..egnrammg.,Nesamatmmn ratu 4140 eir,u c4lo eb, cfAu giiu raAu eitk2 git CHAP. I. Containing eighteen fpecial Maxims, Confide- rations, Rules and Direc1ions that are Jeri- oufly to be minded and obferved, in order to the clearing up of a mans interefi in Chrifi, the faving workof God upon his own foul, and his title to all the glory of another world. 7be firil Maxim or Confideration, Some have made the witnefs of the Spirit to be the only mark or evi= dence of our intereft Chrif}, and deny all figns from the fruit of the Spirit ; but this is to deny the fruit growing upon the Tree to be a fign that the Tree is alive, whereas'our Sri viour expreily tells us, That the Tree is known by his fruit, Mat. x B. 33. Certainly 'tis one thing to judge by our graces, and another thing to reit on our graces , or to put truft in our graces, or to make a Saviour of our graces; there is azreat deal of difference be- tween declaring and deferving. noubtlefs Chriflians may look to their graces as evidences of their interea.in Chrift, B juiti- I. But this opinion being well laid a,*- fleep in thefe dayes, I fhall not put my felf to the trouble of a- wakening of it a- frefh, but leave it to ileep with the Authors, who are now in their waves.