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A choice Bed of Spices, that are made to fuch perfons as are inveffed, enriched and befpangled with the feveral graces of the holy Spirit ; this might be 'made evident by many hundred Scriptures but take that one for all, Met. 5. where our Saviour hirnfell (who was the moft Evangelical Preacher that ever was in the vorld) makes eight or nine promifes of mercy and bleffed- nefs to thofe very perfons that had the graces .of the Spirit inherent in them, as poverty of fpirit, mourning, meek- nefs, hungering and thirfting after righteoufnefs, &c. 0 Sirs) why should we be fo frequently and earnefily call'd upon to try and examine our felves, whether we be in the faith or no, if we were not to come to the knowledge of our faith, in a difcourfive way, arguing from the of ea to the caufe. 1-fave not the Saints of old come to affarance and the knowledge Of the ,gOodnefs of (heir eftates this way ? Pon- der ferioufly on that, 2 Cor. I. 12., For our rejoycing is this, the teftimony of our confcience, that in fimplicity and godly fince- rity we have had our converfation in the world. Mark, their joy was founded on the teflimony of their confcience, and their confcience gave in this teftimony from the fincerity of their converfation in this world. So Paul in that, 2 Tim. 4, 7) 8. I have fought a good fight, I have finifhed my courfe, I have kept the faith; hence forth is laid up for me a crown of righteoufnefs. HON plainly, 'how fully, how with open mouth (as I may fay) does he conclude his right to the crown of Righteouf- nefs (fo called, partly becaufe 'tis purchafed by the righte- oufnefs of Chrifi, and partly, becaufe he is righteous that bath promifed. it, and partly, becaufe a jut} and righte- ous thing with God to crown them with glory at bit, who have for the Gofpel fake, and his glory fake, been crowned with fhame and reproach in this world, and partly (if not mainly) becade 'tis a crown that can only be had (or ob- tained) in a way of righteoufnefs and holinefs) from his gra- ces and gracious a&ings in this world. 1 have fought a good !fight, I have finifhed my courfe, I have kept the faith ; yea, 'tis farther obfervable, that in the bleffed, Scripture 9 we are itrongly preft to do good works, that by them we may make our calling, ele &ion and falvation fare, 2 'Pet. r. io. there - B 2 fore 2 Cot. vet; TOt? o'cyL3voc Tau ucKNOv Certamen prxclarum certa- vi. Beza. I have fought that excellent fight. By Ivrea- hog the ivoftle ufeth the fame Metaphor alfo in that, I Corp. 2/. Y.