10 A Box of prectousuttntment : Or, . faith, they are a Mine of rich treafures, a garden full of the .choiceft and fweetell flowers, in them are wrapt up all Celeflial contentments and delights. And this is molt cer- tain, that all a Chriflians conclufions of intereft in any of tide choice and precious priviledges which flow from the bloud of Jefus Chrifl , ought to be ,bottomed, grounded and founded upon the rich and free promifes of grace and mercy. I. 2. 'Twas a good fly- ing of juguffin 1 Da pod jubes, C7 jgbe quad vis, Give what thou commando}, and command what thou wilt. To fuch a frame the promifes belong. Numb.i 3.28. to the end. But how may a perfon come to know, ghether he has, a real- and Rvinsinterefl in the promifes, or no? Now to this great Que.. //ion, I shall give thefe nine following Anfrrers. Firfl, A holy relyance, a holy relling, a holy' flaying of thy foul upon the promifes, makes the promifes thine own ; yea, it makes all the good, and all the_ fweet, and all the happinefs and bleflednefs that is wrapt -up in the pro mifes, thine ; even as thy flaying, relying and Telling on Chrifl, makes Chrift thine, and all that is in him, and that comes by him, thine ; fo thy, flaying and telling upon' promifes makes them thine, Secondly, If thy heart ordinarily; habitually, lyes under the word of command, then the word of promife does affu- redly belong to ,thy foul, Pia& 1I9.:6. A4. Luke T. 5, 6.,Tliere is no foul under heaven that commonly lyes under the commanding power of, the Word , but.-that foul that has anintereR in thee word of Promife ; men that have no intereft in the word of Promife, commonly live in the negle& of the word o:f command if the word of command commonly carries thy foil!, then the word of promife, with- out all peradventure, belongs to thy-foul : Many deal with the commands of God, as the Heathens dealt with the com- mands of their gods ; When their gods called for a man, they offered a candle; or as Hercules offered up a painted man, infteatl of a living man. Such as deal thus with the commands of God, they have no intereft in the promifes of God ;