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A choicelkdof Spices. raging promifes as are molt futable to that Bate, as to his furel} and choiceft City of refuge, i C or. 10.T 3. Heb.2I R. Rom, I & 20. Times 4. 7. Now certainly, Lich as in all their inward and outward (traits run thus to the promifes, as to their fareft and choiceft City of rerun they have an uneueftionable intereft in the promifes. The rich mans wealth is his ftrong City, Troy. 10. 15. Wealthy world- lings in times of diftrefs & danger,do run to their hoards and heaps of riches, as to a thong City that is able to outfland all Lieges and affaults, and to be fafety and fecurity to them fo when once a man makes the precious promifes to be his firong City, and runs to them in the day of his diftrefs and dangers, as his only fafety and fecurity, then he has doubtlefs an intereft in them. But, Ninethly and laftly, If you daily prefent a greater and a choicer good in the promifes to your fouls, than any this world affords, then certainly you have an intereft in the pro- mifes. If when honours, or riches, or pleafures, or the ap- plaufe of men do prefent themfelves unto you, you can readi- ly prefent to your own fouls higher honours in the promife, I Sam. 2. 30. D i k e 12.33. Rev. 2. 17, 26, 27. Chap. 3. 5, n, 21. Chap. 5. 10. and more durable riches in the promife, Troy. 8. 18. I Pet. 3. 4. and fweeter and choicer pleafures in the promife, Pfal. 16. I T. Ifit. 12. 3. Chap. 3 5.2a /O. 5er. 33.9, it. Pia/. 132. i6. and greater ap- plaufe in the promife, Mat. I 0. 32. whofoever therefore Bail con fefs me before men, him will 1 confers Alfo before my father ohich is in heaven ; I, and before the Angels too, Luke 12. 8. /114.15. 31---4t i C or. 6. 2, 3. 2 Mei. i. 6, 7, 8, 9,10. Rev. 3.9. Ifa. 6o. 121131 I4. Then certainly you have an inter& in the promife. When a man can chew his own heart daily, in the glafs of the promifes, a greater worth, excellency and glory, than all this world affords, without all controverfie he has an intereft in the promifes. Thus thole Worthieslof whom this world was not worthy,Heb.I I. and the Martyrs in all ages, did commonly prefent better, higher and greater things to their own fouls in the promifes, than