Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

A Box of precious Ointment : Or, Rance of the Gojpel. By tnefe Initances we may fee, that foine of the precious fervants of God have found a great deal of comfort,, fupport, reft, content, and fome meafure of alb- rancefrom a lower rank of evidences, than thofe that 'many ftrong,Chrillians do reach unto, &c. B,ut, Iii This we believe when we firm be- gin to believe, that we ought not to believe any thing beyrmeiseri- ptilre. rfrtBllian. 1-- -y- c /71, -7 , 7. 1/ :://: -riCI,t,b1., ii The feventh Maxim or Confideration. Eventhly, confider, That all men and women, that are S defirous to know how it will go with them in another world, they muff peremptorily refolve to be determined by Scripture in the great matters of their intereft in Chrift the bleffed Scripture is the great uncontroverted Rule, and; therefore if a perfon can prove from Scripture that his gra- ces are true, or that he is in a gracious eftate, or that he has an intereft in Chrifl, or that he has favingly, gracioufly ftricken Covenant with God, then he muff refolutely and peremptorily refolve to grant fo much as unchangably to ac- quiefce in it, to flick fait to it, and to hear nothing againft it, from the world, the I-kill, or the devil. God bath plainly told us in his bleffed Word, who fhall be flayed, and who (hall be damned,though not by name,yet bythe qualifications, by which they are defcribed in the Bible ; there are the Sta- tute-Laws of heaven, and the {landing Rule by which all muff he tryed, every man muff ftand or fall, be eternally bleffed, or eternally miferable, as his condition is confo nant to, or various from the infallible charaolers of faving grace contained in the holy Scripture, witnefs that, Ifa.8.2o. To the Law and to the Teflimony, if they fpeak not according t, this word, it is becaufe there is no light (or no morning) in them.' So john T2.4 He that rejaleth me, and receiveth not my words, bath one that judgeth him ; the word that I have fpoken, the fame, [hall judge him in the 14 day. Mat. 5. i g. For verily I fay unto you, till heaven and earth)afr, 012 jot, or one title (hall in no wife pafs from the Lag till all be fulfilled. So John to. 3y. And the Scripture