A choice Bed of Spices. 23 verfie ; when fears rife high, you fay you ffiall never have mercy ; bat dot 1 the Word fay fo ? The Lord never gave himielf to me ; bat doh the Word fay_fo ? Never was any as I am ; but d )th the Word fay fo ? I cannot fee, nor con- ceive, nor think, that the Lord hath any love for me ; but doth tie Word fay fo ? yea, doth not the Word fay, That his thoughts are not as your thoughts, nor his ovayes as your ways? Bra as the heavens are higher than the earth, fi, are ha's kvayes high-- er than yoar gayest and his thoughts than your thoughts, I have not that peace and joy that others have, therefore the Lord intends no good towards me ; but doth the Word fay to ? Oh, but if my infide were but turned outward, good men would loath me, and wicked men would laugh at me ; but doth the. Word fay, fo ? Oh,but my heart was never right with God;but cloth the Word fay fo? 011,1iiit that which I have ta- ken all this while for faving grace, is but common grace; but cloth theWord fay fo?Oh,bbut the face of God is hid from me, my Sun is fet in a cloud, and will never rife more ; but doth the Word fay fo ? Oh, but Satan is let loofe upon me, and therefore God hates me ; but doth the Woad fay to? yea, cloth not the Word tell you, That th:ife who have been moll beloved of God, have been moll tempted by Satan ? Wit- nets Chrifl, David, job, fofloma, Peter, Paul, &c. Oh, but I am afflided, fo as never was any before me ; but doth the Word fay fo ? Oh, let the Word have the calling voice, and not thine own frail diflempered reafon : Oh, don't only hear what fin, and Satan, and thine own heart "can fay againfl thee, but hear, alto what the Word of the Lord jefus can fay for thee. Let the Word of the Lord be judge on both.fides, and then all will be well. I know that the impenitent and unbelieving perfon that lives and dies without grace in _his heart, and an interefl in. Chrifl, than as certainly be damned, as if I faw him this very moment under everlalling burnings ; becaufe God in the Scripture has faid it, Mar, b ) 6. i_ 16. john 3. IS. 36. Rev. 21. 8. R0112. 2.4, 5. I C or. 6.9, 10. q41. 5. 19, 20, 21. Het.. 12. 14. And I know that the holy, humble, true, peni- i tent, believing, felf-denying, and fin-mortifying Chriftian, fhall