2 4 Box of precious Ointment Or, Shame is both the temporal andetel- nal fruit of fin, 2i. Dan. 1Z. Z. 1.th)y c,1171714minle its. He that is fo honell and faithful With God, as to do his bell, fhall find that God will be fo gracious ! as to pardon his wont.. And this Gofpel. indulgence, Dntatv it does more than hint at in thole words, Then a anned, when I have refped unto all thy commandments. Or, as the Hebrew has it, Then (hall I not hluth when my eye is to all thy conftni:,ndments. The Traveller you know, hash his eye to- wards the place where he is going ; and though he be vet fhort of it, yet he is putting on and preffing forward all he can to reach it ; fo when the eye of a Saint is to all the com- mands of God, and he is ilill a preffing forwards toward full obedience, fuch a foul (hall never be put to fhame, it fhall never be put to the blufh, but it ft-Ian be able, living and dying,. boldly to 'appear in the pretence of the Lord. Mark, the Pfilmill doth not fay, when I obey all thy command - ments, but when I have ref-pea to all thy commandments'; and that implies an inward aw and reverential eye towards every duty God requires : You know, to have refpea unto a thing is this, When that of all others fwayes moil with us, as when a Mailer commands fuch a bufinefs, the fervant will do it, becaufe he refpe &s him ; and at his command he will go and come, though he will not at the command of any other.) But I have refpet unto all his commandments, therefore J -1110 never be alhamed. Fourthly, a godly man may argthe thus. He that loveth the brethren, is pail from death to life, andoconfequently is in Chrift, I Ichn 3. a 8, 9. But I love the brethren,there- fore I am paged from death to life, and fo confequently am in Chrift. Fifthly, a godly man may argue thus. He that confeffeth and forfaketh his fin, (hall certainly find mercy, Prov. 2 8.13. But I confefs and forfake my fins (T. In refpea of my fin- cere defires. 2. In refpe6 of my gracious purpofes. 3. In refpea of my fixed refolutions. 4. In raped of my faith- ful and conftant endeavours) therefore I (hall certainly find mercy. Sixthly,