Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

apprehenti_ve and tenible of their fpiritual wants, poverty and miterv, that fee their need of God's free. grace to par- don them,that fee their need of Chrilis righteoufnefs to cloath them, that fee their need of the Spirit of aria to purge, change and fanclifte them, that fee their need of more heavenly wiidom to counfel them,that fee their need of more of the power of God to fupport them, and of the goodnefs of God to fupply them, and of the mercy of God to comfort .them, and of the pretence of God to refrefh them, and of the patience of God to bear with tham, &c. that fee their need of -,reater meafures of faith to conquer their fears, and of greater meafures of wifdom to walk holily, harm- . Icily, bl tmlelly and exemplarily in the micia of temptations, fnares and dangets ; and that fee their need of greater -inea- tures of patience to bear their burdens without fretting or fainting ; and that fee their need of greater meafures of zeal and courage to bear up. bravely againa all forts-of oppo- lfition, both from within and from without ; and that fee their need of greater Meal-tires of love to cleave to the Lamb, and to follow the.Lamb whither ever he goes ; and that fee their need of living in a continual dependance upon God and Chrifi, for freth influences, in-comes and I...applies of grice,, of comfort, of flrength, whereby they may be 'Babied to a for God, and walk with God, and giorifie' e, God, and bring forth fruit to God, and withftand all temptations that tend to lead the heart from. God; and that fee nothing in them- felves upon which they dare venture their eve-rlailing eflat.e.s', and therefore flue to the free, rich, fovereign and glorious grace of Gdd in Chria, as to their fare and only tanauary,,1 L.,ge 18. 13. 'Phil. 3. 9. Blefed 4re the pr)or in fpirit ; that 1 is bleffed are they that are truly apprehenfive and tentible lof their fpiritlai poverty, that fee thnifelves, fallen in'the: firli Adam from all their primitive parity, excelleney, and glory. There are flv,e things we loll in °Ur fall. t. Our' ho- iy Image, and Lecaine. vile. 2. Our ,Sonflaip; and became ilave3. 3. Our Friendthip, and became enemies. 4. Our Communion, and '1.:,scatr,e. ftrangers. 5. Oar Glory, and be- came miferable. And that-fee _an utte: inabil..iv) and infliiii.- There are forne that are poor in eitatc%, and others that are poor in ; and there are fonae that are poor fpirirecl the caufe of God, Chrift,the Golpe1 and their own faols, there are poor in 1pi- nr;there ate tome. that Are fpirituaTt- ly poor, as all are t that are cleilitute of Axrace, and o- theT that. are poor in Ipil ; there are foine . that arc Evrr:fe." lically poor, and otheta that arc flp pits 'ho re- nounce their e- (latex, and vow a volaintaty ty. The poverty that hath blertcd= nefi annexed to it,i?; only anEvan- gcl;cAl poyelty.