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A choice Bed of Spices. 33 'hall be filled, (Mat. 5. 6. (Or they that are hangring and They are not thirfling,as theGreekruns,beipg theparticiple of the prefent therefore bleficed tenfe, intimating, that where ever this is the prefent difpo- becaufe they hunger and EWA fition of mens fouls, they are bleffed : He that fees an abfo- but becaufe they lute neceffity of the righteoufnefs of Chrift to inftifie him, than be filled; 11),lellnecflunienfs;vill and to finable him to ftand boldly before the throne of God he that fees his own righteoufnefs to he but as filthy rags, in hunger; s7bnuott 64. 4. to be but as drofs and dung, Phil. 3. 7, 8. He that hunger m4ft before filling,that fees the Lord Jefus Chrift, with all his riches and righteouf- wemay not loath Jug. nefc, clearly and freely offered to poor finners in the ever- the loaves. a'e verbit falling Gofpel ; he that in the Gofpel-glafs fees Chrift to be Sera/. 5. made fin for them, that knew no fin, that they may be made the righteoufnefs of God in him, z Cor. 5, 21. He that in the fame glafs fees Chrift to be made wifdom, and righte- oufnefs, and fan&ification, and redemption, to all thofe that are fincerely willing to make a venter of their immortal fouls, and eternal eftates, upon him and his righteoufnefs ; aid he that fees the righteoufnefs of Chrift to be a moft per- Some take lain. fea, pure, compleat, fpotlefs, matchlefs, infinite righteouf-- tiering and thirft- nefs , and under thefe apprehenfions and perfwafions , is here itral lcomparlite ng of - carried out in earner and unfatisfied hungerings and thirft- ir with Luke 6 if ings, to be made a partaker of this righteoufnefs, and to be Others under- (land the words iffured of this righteoufnefs, and to put on this righteouf- morally, by !tun- nefs as a royal robe, lfa. 6 i. io. he is the bleffed foul ; and goring and thirct- in,* they under - he that hungers and thirfts after the righteoufnefs of Chrift Rand a moral imparted, as well as after the righteoufnefs of Chrift impu: hunger and thirst, whic h,is ge hand wen ted, after the righteoufnefs of fanetification, as well as after men hun the righteoufnefs of juflification, he is ablefled foul, and thirft for juitice bell" dgment to shall at laft be filled. The righteoufnefs of fanaification, or b rightly execu inherent righteoufnefs, Iyes in the fpirits infufing into the ted. foul thofe holy principles, divine qualities, or fupernaturaliPlioa1.:37.5.'"2 graces that the Apottle mentions in that, rGal. 5. 22, 23. ijn4./518, I .ch rn.x LI S. Thefe habits of grace which are feverally diflinguiffied by Pfal. 01,2. the names of faith, love, hope, meeknefs, &c. are nothing elfe but the new nature or new man, which after God is created in righteoufnefs and true holinefs, Eph. 4. 24- He that hungers and thirfts after the righteoufnefs of fanOtifica.4 don, out of-a deep ferious ferife of his own unrighteoftfnefs ;1 F he