Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

3 A Boxofprecions Ointment: Or, Pfal. 63./ 8, jcj 15.16. he that hungers and thirfis' after the righteoufnefs of ianCti- fication, as ,earnefily as hun7,ery men do for meat, or as thin fly men do for drink, or as the innocent perfon that is fatly charged or accufed, longs to be cleared and righted, or as Ra'cl. el did for children, or as David did after the water of the Well of Bethlehem, or as the hunted Hart doth after the water brooks ; he that hungers and sthirfis not after fome righteoufnets only, but he that hungers and thirfis after all righteoufnefs, he that hungers and thirfts not only after Tome grace, but all grace ; not only after fome holMefs, but all holinefs ; he that hungers and thirfts after righteoutnefQ, out of love to righteoufnefs, he that hungers and thirfis ter richteoutnefs, from a fight and fenfe of the lovelinefs anci excellency that there is in righteoufnefs; he that hunprs and thirfts after the high& degrees and meafares of righte- oufnefs and holinefs, he that primarily, chiefly, hungers and thirfts after righteoufnefs and holinefs, he that induftrioufly hungers and thirfls after righteoufnefs and holinefs, he that ordinarily, habitually, contfanly,' hungers and thirfts after righteoufnefs and holinefs, . PP/. Y 1 9. 20. My fowl breaeth for the longing that-it' bath two tky j74:e4ments at all times. By judgments we are to' underfland the ftatutes and command- ments of God) Mark that word, at all time!. Bad men have their good moods, as good men have their bad moods : A bad man may under gripes of confcience, a fmarting rod, the approaches of death, or the fears of ,hell, or when he is Ser- mon-lick, cry out to the Lord for grace, for righteoufnefs, for holinefs; but he is the only bleffed man that hungers and thirfts after righteoufnefs at all times, and that hungers and thirfis after righteoufnefs, according to the other fore-' mentioned fhort hints ; he is certainly 'a blefled man,heaven i5 for that man, and that man is for heaven, that hungers and thirfis in a right manner after the righteoufnefs of juftifica- tion, and after the righteoufnefs of fan&ification.) But I do truly hunger and thirft after righteoufnefs, therefore I am, bleffed, and shall be filled, &c. Twelfthly, A godly man may argue thus. Such as are truly andi