Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

A choice Bed,of Spices. that man is under the reign of fin ; that man whofe, whole heart is :univerfally married to his lulls, that man is under the dominion of his lath ; when a man does as freely,cheer- fully, univerfally and readily obey hislufts, as a child does his father, or a wife her husband, or a fervant his Matter, or a fubjea his Prince, then fin is in dominion ; when a man fins `with greedinefs, when with ,Ahab he felli himfelf to work wickednefs, when he commits wickednefs with both hands, when he gives himfelf up or over to :alluncleannefs and thinets, when he freely and voluntarily refigns and frarren ders up his body and foul to the obedience of fin, then fin reigns,/then it keeps the throne; where the. dominion of fin is ereaed, there it fits in the heart, as a.King in his Throne, and gives forth its LIM and commandsto.thefoul and body; and thofe commands are liftned and contented to, approved and delighted in, dc. A fubje& can't in a courfe more free- ly, willingly, univerfally and cheerfully obey the commands of his Prince, than a (inner doth in a.courfe freely, willing- ly, univerfally and cheerfully obey the commands of his lttffs; and where ever this fad temper of, there is fin in dominion. But now mark, a regenerate mans will rifeth againff his tin, even then-when he is woriled by-fin, and led captive by fin : A Tyrant is obeyed unwillingly, the wills of his tubjeas rife up againii his commands, and if his power. were not fuperior to their wills, they would .never_ obey him. Sin is no King, but a Tyrant in the fouls of .the Saints, and therefore their wills fo far as they are renewed, can't bat rife- againa it. 0 Sirs, _rem:ether this for ever, that the moleffing,, vexing and tempting -power of fin, does not fpeak out its dominion 5 for fin may moleff, and vex, and tempt as an enemy, where it cloth not rule and reign as a King ; as you fee this day in many Nation>, of the' earth, there are many enemies that do. mole((, vex and tempt the fubj-e4s,of .thofe Nations, who yet ate enough oti from having any rule or dominion over them.; then fin is in dominion, whenit -:commands in the heart as::a_Kirig in his Throne, or as a Lord in his houfe, or as .E1,(;:ne,r.a.1 in his. Army, freely, boldly, univerfally, Cheerfully ; and when G . the Eph.2.3. I Kin .21.25'. Micah 7.3. A man may be faSjed as a Cap. aye this or that particular tyranny fin, viho is not obedi- ent as a fervant to all the govern ment of fin, for that takes 11 the. whole Will,and an adequate tubmif- fion thereof to thf; peaceable and uncontrouled power of fin. - aom.7.1C 5 )1943 The Apollle, as Cbqktorn and Theodoyet Carve on Rom. 6. I Z. doth not fay Let not fin ty- larmize,for that is fins own work and not ours ; but he fayes,- Let it not reign in-you ; fol'Wh-e-n, a rtigns,the Sub- jetts do (as it were) adively obey and em- brace "com- mand) whereas they are rather patients than agents ji-s ty-