Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

4 AB-oxvf precious Ointmat : Or, ( the 'foul cloth asfre-ely, boldlyxliverfally and cheerfully fins cornm.ands-; where men commonly yield up their wills and aleerkiers to the commands of fin , there reigns and. this is the -cafe of every ,unrcoenerate man ; but whrre the -Ewill does commonly make a flout oppolition to fin, here it reigns not ; niy,v this is the cafe of every regenerate nun. That Prince cannot =1-y-hefaid to reign inthatKingdom where...commonly he meets with-fi-aut op- So here ' A fincere 'Cihrillian --makes it great butinefs and workbf his (above all other things in this world) to make all the oppofition he can againit his lulls, and is throughly refolved'ro die fighting againil his fins, as Pietro C4ndiano (one of the Dukes of Venice) died fighting aftin.PC the Na.3ritines with the weapons in his hand. As Paid in a'battel h fought againft one of Pompey's at other times I fought for .honour, tut .nor o I fight fcr any life fo a lincereChriftian fights.- againa his fins, as for his life. Cafiellio's- opinion was vain,vit. That men are of three forts, fome unregenerate, force regenerating, and other; regene- rated, and.that-thefe ha have no .combat betwixt figfh and fpirit, which is quite crofs to Scripture, Rom. 7. 14-2,4. G. 1. 5.17: &c. and contrary to the experience of all Saints, in all the ages of the world. But 'Thirdly, When a man is ufaally peremptory in his fin pings, in the face- of all reprehenfions and arguments that tend to diffwade him from fin, then finis in dominion; when the Conttant bent of the heart is inflamed towards fin, and when the defires of the foul 'are infatiably -carried after fin, and when the refOlutions of the foul areilrongly,and habitu- ally fet upon fin, then fin is in the Throne, and then it reign as a King; When God hedges up the finners way with thorns, yet the firmer will break through all to his full when life and death, heaven.and hell, glory and mifery are fet before the finner, yet the.finner will be peremptory in his (innings, though he lofe his life,. his foul, and all the glory of another world, then fin reigns. But, it is a harder thing to fight with Ea mans Itiffi,than to fight with the crof$.4itglifave. 3. Prow. 2 T . Jer.c.3,4- & 44. f,16,17. eti.30.1 $C 11.215,227728 2$1: Fourthly,