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), ay comparing the :Scriptures in the margent together, That man that can truly appeal to God , and fay, Lord, thou that knoweit all heart; and things, thou know-ett that there is nothing under the whole heavens that I am fo de.firous and .. ambitious of as this, that my fins may be fabdued, that my firongeft lulls may be mortified, and that thofe very Cor- I ruptions that .my nature, constitution and complexion is mail inclined to, may be brought to an under. That man that can appeal to God, and fay, 0 Lord, what ever becomes of me, I will :never be ,.reconciled to any known fin ; yea, Lord, though I should perifil for ever, yet I am refolveel to fight againft 'my fins for ever : Let God do what he will againft me, I will do all I can againit my fins, and to honour my God ; that man is not under the reign. and dominion of fin. &it, Seventhly, ' When fin commonly rifes by oppofition, then 7- it reigns. Look, as. grace, when it is in the Throne, it rifes by oppofition, 2 Sam. 6. 22. I aillyet be more vile. Mark I O. Au 4 the 47, 48. And many charged him that be Jhould hold his peace, but & 5:40,4i ,411. 4 he cryed the more a great deal, Thom fon of David, have mercy on me ; fo when fin is in the Throne, it riles higher and higher by oppofition. As the more water you calf upon Lime, the more fiercely it burns ; fo when fin is in its reign and domi, nion it flames out the more by oppofition ; witnefs the jegs' malice and envy againft Chrift, which when it re- ceived but a little eafie gentle check by 'Pilate, they cryed Mvk I 5'.1zi13i out fo much,the-more, Crucifie.him, crucifie him. A man that iii., is,under the reign and dominion of fin, is like the Rainbow .; the Rainbow is never on that fide of the world, that the Sun is, but wherefoever it appears, it is in oppofition againit the Sun ; if the Sun be in the Ealt, the Rainbow is in the Weft, &c. Where fin has the Throne,. it will fill rife high- er and higher by oppofition; reprove afwearerfor fwearing, and he will fwear fo much the more ; ye,a ri-nny times he will fwear,.that he did not -fwear, when indeed ht= did.; and fo it holds in all other vices that the firmer is-given up to. 'Tis faid of Catiline, that he was a compound' and bundle of warring lulls choke Bel of' Spires. Rom.7. 2344. Ga1.5.17. Rom.$ 13. .>