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movsaames...71Malmeraaek.01.44 Tim. t. John 1.9. Heb. 6.17, 18 ek. and chap.18. 3 Z. / John 5.10- 14- Jam. z '9. Il A Box of precious Ointment Or as an inclifputable and inviolable Principle, That whoNe- ver believeth on the Lord jefu3 Chrill, or whofoever bath received Chna as his Lord and Saviour, (hall be certainly faved. This is the perfon that bath the Word, the Promife, the Covenant, the Oath of that Gad that cannot paifibly lye, or dye for-the pardon of his fin, and for the Salvation of his Soul. Now 0 my Soul, what fecurity couldeff thou ask more,of a deceitful man, than that which the great lehovigh), she faithful God of his own accord bath given to thee, viz.. his word, and his Oath. Now not to believe God upon his Promife and Oath, is to make him a Lyar, yea the wort} of Lyars ; yea, 'tis to do worfe than the Mvils, for they be- lieve and tremble. Though the word of the Lord deferves the greateft credit that any mortals can give unto it, (he be ing truth it felf that hath faid it) though it had no Oaths, nor no A ffeverations to be its furety, yet God in his infi- nite condefcending love to poor finners, that he may fink the truth of what he faith deeper into the hearts and minds of his people,and leave the fairer and fuller print in our affents to the fame, he fets on the word of Promife with the weight of Affeverations and Oaths ; yea, and to all thefe he hath annexed his Broad Seal, the Lords Supper, and the Privy Seal of his Spirit : 0 unreafonable unbelief! fball not the Oath of God filence all Difputes? A man, would never de- fire of any honefi man,fo much as God hath condefcended to, for the confirmation of our Faith, witnefs his Promifes, his Covenant, his Oath, and his Seals ; ; and therefore let its give b lory to him by believing, and quietly refit upon his faithfulnefs. 0-.Sirs,that foul that dares not take his fan&ification as an evidence (yea, as a choice and fare evidence) of ins inte- reit in Chrif124nd of the Lords precious love to him, accor- ding tothePrornifes of his favour and Grace (feveral of which bath been but now under confiderati6n) that Soul ought to acknowledg it as his fin, yea as his great fin, for whith hedeferves to be fmartly rebuked, asmaking.God a loud Lyar. 0 my friends, it is a fpirittual peeviflanefs, and fin-