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A choice Bed of Spices. but come common work of the fpirit; which a man may have and go to Hell ? But, E'ghthlv and lafIly, They very much difeourage, diihear- ten, and di'fanimate many poor weak Chriflians, wh °bier- ving of them (of whom they have had very high and honoura- ble thoughts, for the Grace of God that they have judged to be in them) to 1,.e Rill a quellioninG of their integrity, and Rill a doubting of the gracioufnefs and goodnefs of their conditions, do begin to queftion their own Ellates and con- ditions, yea,and many.times peremptorily to conclude,that Purely they have no brace, they have no intereil in Cada, and that all this while they have but put a cheat upon their own fouls. Now 0 that all poor, weak, dark, doubting Chri- flians would never leave praying over thefe eight things and pondering.upon thefe eight things, till they are perfectly cured of that fpiritual malady that they have been long la- bouring under, and which has been very prejudicial to the peace and comfort of their own fouls. Dear hearts, a gracious-foul may fafely, boldly, conflant- ly, and groundedly fay that which the Word of the Lord faith : Now the Word of the Lord faith, That the poor in fti- rit are bleffed, and that they that mourn are bleffed, and that they that hunger, and thirfi after Righteoufnefs are bleffed, and that they that are pure in heart are bleffed, and therefore he is bleed. And affuredly he that cannot embrace and feal to thefe as true and bleffed evidences of a fafe and happy condition, is greatly to lament and mourn over his unbelief, and earnell- ly to feek-the Lord to perfwade his heart, and to fat isfy and over-power his Soul in this thing, as the poor man in the Gofpel did, Mark 9. 24. And firaightway the Father tf the Child cryed out with tears, Lord Believe, help my un- belief. D Sirs, the condition of the Promifes' tali cited,. being fulfilled, the Promifes themfelves muff certainly and infal- libly be fulfilled, elfe the great and bleffed,God should be unrighteous, unfaithful, arid deny hirnfelf, which is -aSitn-- poll-61c as for God to dye, or to fend another Saviour, or to oive 55 Matth.4.3:4;48. Jorh.2L4f.chap. 23. I4i 1 C. I John 1,Log Iii