106 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. he endeavoured tomake his escape in asmall trading vessel,. bound for Scotland, but was taken prisoner by the captain of a Dutch man of war, who rifled him of all his money, apparel and effects. This ship was driven by distress of weather into St. Ives in Cornwall, where our author was taken up on suspicion of treason. The accusation was brought against him by one Walter, an Irishman, and pilot of the Dutch ship, in hopes of obtaining a share of Bale's money, which was in the captain's hands. When our author was brought to his examinationbefore oneof the bailiffs of the town, he desired the bailiff to ask Walter, " How long he had known him ? and what treason he had committed?" These interrogatories being proposed, Walter replied, that he had never`seen him, nor ever heard of him, till he was brought into their ship. Then said the bailiff, " What treason have you known by this honest gentleman since ? For I promise you he looks like an honest man." " Marry," said Walter, " he would have fled into Scotland." " Why," said the bailiff, "knowyou any impedimentwhy he should not havegone into Scotland ? Hit be treason for a man, having business in Scotland, to go thither, it is more than I knew before." Walter was then so confounded, that he had nothing more to say. The captain and purser deposed in favour of Bale, assuring the bailiffthat he was a very honest man, and that Walter was a vile fellow, deserving no credit. This they did, lest they shouldbe deprived of the money and other articles which they had taken from our author. Dr. Bale being honourably acquitted, the ship sailed, and, in a few days, arrived in Dover road, where he was again brought into danger by false accusation. One Martin, a Frenchman by birth, but now an English pirate, per- suaded the Dutch captain and his crew, that Bale had been the principal instrument in pulling down the mass in England, and in keeping Dr. Gardiner, bishop of Win- chester, a long time in the Tower ; and that he had poisoned the king. With this information the captain and purser went ashore, carrying with them our author's episcopal seal, and two letters sent him from Conrad Gesner and Alexander Alesius, with commendations from Pel- licanus, Pomeranus, Melancthon, and other celebrated reformers, who were desirous to become acquainted with the doctrinesand antiquities of the English church. They also took from him the council's letter of his appointment to the bishopric of Ossory. All these things served to